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God, Cheezits and Rice, is number one!hehe

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 11:27 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
"Jesus!" like I always say these days in a catch-all to save me like a miracle!


Well I hope you get it working.

It could very well be that the VGA port is not active for some reason.

After all it is supposed to be for computers with a VGA display *out* port.

I hooked it up to a VGA out port that output too high a ratio.

For instance it is like 1024x800 instead of my TV's 640x480 capabilities. hehe

It would help if I had a 5V plug replacement too hehe

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:59 pm
by PixelTHING
The Rambo movie franchise was always a nice subject for video game developers to adapt and bring that armored mayhem to consoles and computers, so, in this episode of the Pixel THING we’ll be taking a look at the titles based in this 80s action movie hero!

RAMBO video games Retrospective [1985-2014] - It's a Pixel THING - Ep.#63

<img src=" ... 91-h220-no" width="300px">

God, Cheezits and Rice, is number one!hehe

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:36 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Cheezits and Rice!hehe

Cheezits and Rice!hehe

From my understanding the game is based in Vietnam.

So I'm not really interested in it.

However my real father who flew with the USA in Vietnam bought me the Commodore 64 one many years ago when I was a kid. I vaguely remember that game. Had lots of fun and think I might even have finished it rescuing the girl? hehe

Anyways in honour and memory of my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy he always says to do the right thing. So I am at peace. No more wars hopefully.

My real mom Huong Thi Vu is still with me. In honour and blessing of her she says be nice to everyone even if we had a conflict in the past with them. So don't worry. I'm still your friend since I like your joke at the very end hehe


Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:43 pm
by PixelTHING
Let's take a look at a HUGE donation from a fan of the channel and, as well, the 19 video games that I've added recently to my collection!
Check it out!

Video Game Pickups #6 - 19 Games + HUGE Donation - It's a Pixel THING - Ep.#64

<img src=" ... 80-h720-no" width="300px">

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 8:49 pm
by wardrich
A couple of your thumbnail pics seem to be broken. Not sure what the formula for their URLs are, but the two that don't work have super long names:

ie: ... 80-h720-no

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:29 pm
by MrFlibble
So many cool racing games :) I'm kind of getting interested in the genre, but there are so many titles I have no idea what to begin with.

God, Cheezits and Rice, is number one!hehe

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:19 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
Cheezits and Rice!hehe

You still have what it takes.

Congratulations on a great video review.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:55 pm
by PixelTHING
wardrich wrote:A couple of your thumbnail pics seem to be broken. Not sure what the formula for their URLs are, but the two that don't work have super long names:
Hummm... I have to re-upload those..

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:56 pm
by wardrich
PixelTHING wrote:
wardrich wrote:A couple of your thumbnail pics seem to be broken. Not sure what the formula for their URLs are, but the two that don't work have super long names:
Hummm... I have to re-upload those..
No prob. Have you seen your first post on this thread? It's getting pretty long haha :)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:52 pm
by PixelTHING
wardrich wrote:
PixelTHING wrote:
wardrich wrote:A couple of your thumbnail pics seem to be broken. Not sure what the formula for their URLs are, but the two that don't work have super long names:
Hummm... I have to re-upload those..
No prob. Have you seen your first post on this thread? It's getting pretty long haha :)
Yes! Indeed!! :)
Thanks so much for updating it! ;)

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:53 pm
by PixelTHING
The Sega Dreamcast is turning 16 years old! Well, at least in the United States and Europe! So, to commemorate the birthday of one of the most impressive and underrated consoles ever, here’s my personal Top 10 video games for Sega’s last system!
Happy 16th birthday, Dreamcast!

Celebrating 16 Years of the Dreamcast: My Top 10 games - It's a Pixel THING - Ep.#65

<img src=" ... 80-h720-no" width="300px">

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:16 pm
by Quadko
Yay, Dreamcast! Can't wait to see this one!

edit: Great one! Good memories. Crazy Taxi rules! Soul Calibur was my other killer app game on that one, and so many other entertainments. Nice one!

God, Cheezits and Rice, is number one!hehe

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:50 am
by tienkhoanguyen
Cheezits and Rice!hehe

Thanks for the hard work.

I've been pre-occupied with a bunch of family issues.

Your video on this session took all the worries away with fun thoughts#!!

I don't know how to ever repay you.

Thank you again a bunch more than I could ever return the favor.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:47 am
by PixelTHING
Guys, I'm the one that has to thank you for watching my content! :)
I really appreciate it!

God, Cheezits and Rice, is number one!hehe

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:38 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
Cheezits and Rice!hehe

haha I don't know if it's true, but makes me feel useful anyways. (annoying laughing head) hehe :laugh:

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:16 pm
by tienkhoanguyen
PixelTHING wrote:Guys, I'm the one that has to thank you for watching my content! :)
I really appreciate it!
Dude, be yourself. If you like doing the video I like it. We are putting on a production. I'm not the only one who has the job. Every has a gift according to The Holy Bible from the church! So even the trash people I appreciate. I don't want smelly flies and doodle all over my sidewalk when the trash piles up.

So @PixelTHING if you're tired give it a rest. Otherwise do what you love. Like that movie with Kevin Costner, "Build it and they will come."

God, Jesus Christ, is number one!

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:39 pm
by tienkhoanguyen

Well since you and pseudocoder have been missing for a long time here is. ...

Please look for your message at the end of the credits section.

Thank you.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 4:26 am
by PixelTHING
20 years ago this revolutionary console took the world by storm. It was Sony’s revenge against Nintendo, but, the main victim ended up being Sega.
Let’s take a look at its origins and browse through my personal favorite 10 video games on the system:

Celebrating 20 Years of the PlayStation: My Top 10 games - It's a Pixel THING - Ep.#66

<img src=" ... 80-h720-no" width="300px">

God, Jesus Christ, is number one.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:12 am
by tienkhoanguyen

I got to go brush my teeth. I got food in my mouth from yesterday.

I know what you are thinking "What the heck?" hehe

Good to see you back, you're video game showcases makes me feel small.


Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:10 am
by PixelTHING
The Secret of Monkey Island is turning 25 years this month (October of 2015), so let’s celebrate the birthday of one of the greatest point’n’click video games ever made!

25 Years of The Secret of Monkey Island - It's a Pixel THING - Ep.#67

<img src=" ... 80-h720-no" width="300px">