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Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:28 pm
by Bloodwrath
Sorry for stupidity and i must be very annyoying, but i got it mounted. I typed in cd doom and it said unable to change to doom. What do i do now?
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:51 pm
by dosraider
I'm still missing one piece of VITAL info to be able to help you easily, and that's:
dosraider wrote:->What's your C mount line?
See, if I would have that info, I could easily tell you where and what, without that vital info I can onlt answer with some vague general thinghies.
Such as:
Your doom folder MUST be a subfolder of the folder you mount as virtual C.
Then it will work.
The message you got : *
unable to change to doom* means that the Doom folder isn't stored as subfolder of your virtual C.
So once again:
dosraider wrote:->What's your C mount line?
Then I will be able to help you directly and tell you what to do.
We will get there, we had thickier than you running games in dosbox, will maybe take some time, but eventually we will get you going.
The info I need is something as:
mount c c:\users\your_name\dosgames
c:\users\your_name\dosgames could be your virtual C, and Doom should be as this viewing in Windows:
Keep in mind that in this example
c:\users\your_name\dosgames will be seen as
C:\ in dosbox.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:05 pm
by Bloodwrath
mount c c:\users\FAMILY\dosgames does that work/what you're looking for? Also i moved the doom folder to the above folder
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:19 pm
by dosraider
This is what you must see in Windows:
When you use this in dosbox (BTW, you can add that in dosbox.conf, as explained in the howto...)
mount c c:\users\FAMILY\dosgames
You will be able to
cd doom
Choose the sound params I give you some posts before.
Setup will leave you in c:\doom (DOSBOX VIEW !!), simply input
doom to run the game.
Setup is only needed to be runned once.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:27 pm
by Bloodwrath
What do you mean by windows? the top/title of a window i open up or what? and i did the mount thing and i'm still getting the unable to change to doom message. If i just downloaded it here instead, would that help?
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:14 pm
by dosraider
By windows i mean windows, the OS, ya know... MICROSOFT WINDOWS VISTA.
'Explorer' or 'computer' or whatever you use to look at your files on your computer.
I always use explorer cause 'computer' is a sucker. But I can hardly know what you use, can I ?
Once again:
That way you can at least run dosbox with a C: mounted as it should.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:00 pm
by dosraider
Bloodwrath, don't use multiple topics please, this one is swell enough. Thanks.
I've merged the posts from your new topic here.
Continue here.
Bloodwrath wrote:dosraider wrote:This is what you must see in Windows:
When you use this in dosbox (BTW, you can add that in dosbox.conf, as explained in the howto...)
mount c c:\users\FAMILY\dosgames
You will be able to
cd doom
Choose the sound params I give you some posts before.
Setup will leave you in c:\doom (DOSBOX VIEW !!), simply input
doom to run the game.
Setup is only needed to be runned once.
Does anyone know what he means and can explain it to a simpler mind?
dosraider wrote:dosraider wrote:This is what you must see in Windows:
This is what you must see in windows. In other words, where your DOOM folder must be situated when you look in windows.
dosraider wrote:mount c c:\users\FAMILY\dosgames
Run dosbox and use this mount line.
dosraider wrote:
cd doom
This is what you must input in dosbox.
dosraider wrote:Choose the sound params I give you some posts before.
Read some posts above, sound setup
dosraider wrote:
Setup will leave you in c:\doom (DOSBOX VIEW !!), simply input
doom to run the game.
Means that after setup when you click on
save and exit
dosbox will return to
simply input
doom to run the game.
Bloodwrath wrote:Well, the windows thing is fine, but when i typed C: cd doom setup in DOSBox nothing happened. Is that a good thing?
dosraider wrote:What you see as you run dosbox?
Z or C ?
ZOMFG, Don't tell me that, ZOMFG...
Bloodwrath wrote:I see a c but it still wouldn't work when i tried it again
dosraider wrote:More and precise info please.
You see a C: , so I guess that
mount c c:\users\FAMILY\dosgames
worked swell?
also worked swell?
What you see as you input
cd doom
emmzee wrote:If DOOM is located here:
And you use this mount line:
mount c c:\users\FAMILY\dosgames\
Then type:
Then type:
cd doom
If that doesn't work ... then you're doing something wrong.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:49 pm
by Bloodwrath
That's it; we are all apparently overly pissed so i'm gonna start over with doom from this site. I am running the DEICE program and need to know what I should use as a directory.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:58 pm
by dosraider
Naaa, we're not pissed, why would we be? We've seen worst cases.
That I merged the topics is simply to keep the forum a bit tidy, no need to create 20 topics about the same, isn't it?
Just wait a minute or so, I'll be back with an explanation for the doom you get from ....
I'll be back.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:21 pm
by dosraider
Here, I had to redownload the sharewareversion from the site ....
The zip, contains 5 files, unzip them in:
Run dosbox, be sure that c:\users\FAMILY\dosgames\ is correctly mounted as virtual C and that the prompt in dosbox shows C, not Z, I gonna suppose that by now that will be ok .....
Your inputs in dosbox: (and hit enter after every line)
cd doom
That will start the installation, your choices:
Accept C
Accept \doom\ as directory -(not \dooms\ see below)-
Let it run, takes some time
You'll get setupscreens automatically after the deicing,
Choices to make:
Controller: keyboard only I always play doom keyb only...
Music card: Sound blaster -> port adress 220
Sound FX : Sound Blaster -> port adress 220 ->IRQ7->DMA1
Number of channels to mix: begin with 4, doom is pretty greedy.
save and launch doom and here ya go.
To play again later:
cd doom
The installer want to use dooms , but you're easier with doom as folder.
The only reason they propose dooms is because it's the shareware version. But it works fine with doom.
BTW, if you want to play full screen hit ALT+ENTER whilst ingame, and again to go back in window mode.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:33 pm
by Bloodwrath
Everything was fine until i typed cd doom. "cd doom (enter)" unable to change to: doom. DOSBox showed "C" and the folder was unzipped in FAMILY\dosgames but "cd doom" still doesn't work.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:38 pm
by dosraider
Take a look whilst in WINDOWS, ya know, your VISTA,
do you see:
c:\users\family\dosgames\doom\ -> all those doom files here?
You made a mistake somewhere, in other words: you screwed up.
Let me repeat myself here:
dosraider wrote:Here, I had to redownload the sharewareversion from the site ....
The zip, contains 5 files, unzip them in:
Run dosbox, be sure that c:\users\FAMILY\dosgames\ is correctly mounted as virtual C and that the prompt in dosbox shows C, not Z, I gonna suppose that by now that will be ok .....
Your inputs in dosbox: (and hit enter after every line)
cd doom
That will start the installation, your choices:
Accept C
Accept \doom\ as directory -(not \dooms\ see below)-
Let it run, takes some time
You'll get setupscreens automatically after the deicing,
Choices to make:
Controller: keyboard only I always play doom keyb only...
Music card: Sound blaster -> port adress 220
Sound FX : Sound Blaster -> port adress 220 ->IRQ7->DMA1
Number of channels to mix: begin with 4, doom is pretty greedy.
save and launch doom and here ya go.
To play again later:
cd doom
The installer want to use dooms , but you're easier with doom as folder.
The only reason they propose dooms is because it's the shareware version. But it works fine with doom.
BTW, if you want to play full screen hit ALT+ENTER whilst ingame, and again to go back in window mode.
You MUST use
mount c c:\users\FAMILY\dosgames\
to mount a VIRTUAL
C in dosbox.
That's the base, dosbox will use that as root.
You MUST unzip the files in:
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:45 pm
by Bloodwrath
I went in this order: start, computer, HP (disc drive C), users, FAMILY, Dosgames, and the files where there. Talking in order (in example: start, FAMILY, dosgames, doom file), what stuff should i click if i placed everything correctly?
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:49 pm
by dosraider
No, wait a min, I'll be back ....
You need a folder.
The folder is named DOOM.
Something as this: -(don't mind the other stuff)-

That's how it must look after unzipping.
After installing you'll get a lot of files in that folder, must look as this:

Click on the pics to enlarge.
If you have the files in c:\users\family\dosgames\ do this:
Create whilst in windows a new folder in c:\users\family\dosgames\ (rightclick), hit
F2 rename "new folder' to
doom drag/drop the 5 files from the archive in c:\users\family\dosgames\doom\
The 5 files you need to run install in dosbox are:
And try again with dosbox.
You have FOLDERS and FILES, don't mix up those two!
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:06 pm
by Bloodwrath
OH MY GOD YES! DOSBox now says C:(whatever is here)DOOM! It changed and i moved the files to the new folder. But when i typed install and hit enter, it said "cannot find a DAT file. What do i do?
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:12 pm
by dosraider
dosraider wrote:The 5 files you need to run install in dosbox are:
It simply means you screwed up again.-( sorry for that)-
Those 5 files MUST be in your \DOOM\ folder.
If they are there and present the installer will find them.
Check and double check if needed.
And as you've got all the needed info, and as my nightshift is over now, I'm off to bed.
Really, follow the guidelines and it will work.
If it doesn't, you've made mistakes.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:26 pm
by Bloodwrath
i've tried install like, seven times now and the five and i note- ALL FIVE FILES have been moved to the new doom folder and it still says cannot find .DAT file. I'll probably be back here at about 8:00 eastern time.
(mumbling) damn vista and your damn .DAT files and friggin (mumbling gibberish, fades to silence)
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:59 am
by dosraider
dosraider wrote:The 5 files you need to run install in dosbox are:
Bloodwrath wrote:i've tried install like, seven times now and the five and i note- ALL FIVE FILES have been moved to the new doom folder and it still says cannot find .DAT file.
Start from scratch.
Delete the files in your \doom\ folder-(please don't delete the folder itself, or we're on square one with you)-, and unzip a new set of files in it.
You're missing something.
BTW, you can easily check the files by typing
dir in dosbox whilst in \doom\ ......
But whatever, if it doesn't work, start from scratch.
*And it wouldn't amaze me -(when I look at your previous posts)- that you simply have shortcuts to some files instead of the files itself.* LMAO.
And dosbox can't read files you moved when dosbox is still running on the background, meaning:
It can only find files it had in the folder when dosbox started up.
Means also: you need to refresh dosbox with ... aaaargh.. whatever, close dosbox and restart dosbox after you move files around.
Bloodwrath wrote:I'll probably be back here at about 8:00 eastern time.
Should we be happy or .....
Bloodwrath wrote:(mumbling) damn vista and your damn .DAT files and friggin (mumbling gibberish, fades to silence)
Damn Bloodwrath is more truthfull.
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:03 am
by franpa
Bloodwrath wrote:That's it; we are all apparently overly pissed so i'm gonna start over with doom from this site. I am running the DEICE program and need to know what I should use as a directory.
If your using DOOM from this site, why not download DOOM95?
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:24 am
by dosraider
Did you ever tried doom95 in Vista, Franpa? Apparently not.