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Re: Lookin' for full/registered game? Check here before post
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:44 am
by Guest
Re: Lookin' for full/registered game? Check here before post
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:47 am
by fas15381
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:32 pm
by johngUK
omfg those two guys before me must be British.
sim city 2000
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:44 pm
by guest
anybody know where i can get the full version (legal copy) of sim city 2000. Or know of a site that offers the full version and not the demo.
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:30 pm
by The_Sinister_Mastermind
There are a plenty of places you can buy it from.
Moby Games.
I'm sure if you looked around you could find more places as well. Sim City 2k has always been a very popular game, so it's not exactly hard to track down original copies for sale.
As for downloadable versions, again not hard to find, but links to warez sites won’t be getting posted I’m afraid.
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:26 am
by franpa
simcity 2000... ive played that and got bored rather quick, i would stick to simcity 4.
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:55 am
by The_Sinister_Mastermind
franpa Sim City 2000 is a classic, you just can't go past it. No old school gaming collection is complete without a copy.
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:00 am
by franpa
well... i only played it for a day or two and well it lacked the ability to wow me immedaitly
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:12 am
by The_Sinister_Mastermind
That's because you're comparing it to games like Sim City 4, when you simply can't do that there're from a different generation of gaming. If you'd played Sim City 2000 back in the day then, like everyone else, you'd more then likely love it.
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:35 pm
by Guest
3drealms has a CD with Keen 1-5 for $20. Only $4 per game! Actually, many of these games are very cheap. Are you sure that Keen 6 is availible on ID Software's site?
What's all this talk about costs?
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:15 am
by fidamehran
What's all this talk about costs? We had the dos games for free in our machines back then. We want to download them for free. Illegal? Pfft!! Who's going to pay for the dosgames, when they even don't know if the games'll run in Windows XP? Most dos games don't. Right?
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:41 am
by Dosser
You usually can fiddle with the games to make them work.
I do sort of agree that games sold for a price should easily work on most modern systems without problems.
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:44 am
by The_Sinister_Mastermind
No most DOS games work fine on XP by simply using DOSBox. And as to why we'd pay for them? Because they're cheap and well worth it, they weren’t free then and they’re not free now.
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:53 am
by 486 player
Not anymore...
Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:37 am
by Guest
if not get an old dos computer and away you go
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:05 am
by Guester
I'm finding Lemming (the ORIGINAL VERSION , not v.2 or 3d or revolution!)
but can't find it, too hard!
any one help me?
oh i know whare to get simcity200 dos.
Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 5:11 pm
by guest
go to <Link removed> go t ocontact me and ill tell u
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:45 pm
by coldie
I was told that Ceasar ( the game) is free now, anyone have any clue where or how I could get a copy?
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:35 pm
by dosraider
Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:03 am
by 486 player
Found an another place to buy (still beta, comin' soon for public test): Sing up for newsletter.