(sorry, I couldn't resist reading the whole topic

If you mean 'translations', yes there are many different English translations, and also translations into 100s of other languages. It's necessary since few people today read Greek.
Well, I am no expert on the topic, but someone else has dug up something, I'll quote it:
Hello everyone,
I was able to witness the religious discussion going on in guild chat yesterday and thought I would throw in my two cents. When I was in my late twenties I became what many of you appear to despise, a Christian. My faith was strong at first but gradually became weaker as time went on. It took about 7 years before I finally gave up trying to defend my beliefs. I was strong in my faith as long as I parked my brain at the door and believed what I was spoon fed from the pastors. I am glad I went through the whole process though, because I learned so many things that I could not have possibly known otherwise.
The downward fall of my beliefs started when I decided to assist the youth pastor and work with the high school aged people like many of you here in this guild. I was probably 30 at the time and it was one of the best things I had ever done. At first I just did and taught them what the youth pastor wanted. But eventually they realized that I was very approachable and would ask me WHY does the bible say this or that instead of WHAT does the bible say about this or that. At that point I realized that the canned answers that most Christians like to give out would not be good enough for these very smart and curious young people. So I started digging for them. I purchased Greek translations of the new testament and Hebrew translations of the old testament and started doing word studies. I found out over time that many words were either removed or added in our English translations so certain verses in the bible would match certain belief systems. Mad
Let me give you one example (Out of thousands) since some of you brought up Hell yesterday:
Rom 5:18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. (King James Version)
Rom 5:18 Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men. (New International Version)
It my not be apparent so let me explain. The King James Version is used by many Christians to prove to unbelievers that they must accept Jesus into their hearts in order to be saved from Hell. It basically says that because Adam sinned we are all sinners and because Jesus died on the cross we now have the option to become righteous by accepting Jesus. The New International Version matches the original Greek words and basically says that because Adam sinned we are all sinners and because Jesus died on the cross we are ALL righteous. In other words, none of us have a choice in the matter, because of what Jesus did, we are righteous in Gods eyes, PERIOD. That is why I believe Jesus' original disciples considered the gospel good news. Because ALL are saved and going to Heaven. It doesn't matter what your deeds are because they have been paid for in full. Evil or Very Mad <--- Satan not happy!!! - LOL
The original thread: (11 pages, quite long)
http://www.hostingphpbb.com/forum/viewt ... m=totalwar
Unlike the Qur'an (according to most Muslims it only be properly read in Arabic) there's no problem with having translations.
Just thought I'd clarify... there's no problem with translations to help people understand, but they are always accompanied with the arabic text. It reduces error.
Oh btw, one more thing, the reasons I don't believe in God is because why is there starving children in the world? why is so many people dying of cancer when they take wicket care of themselves and someone who smokes for wbout 50 years can live until their 100? why are small children dying and then you see 100 year old women and men walking around rude as hell? why is Isreal the chosen land when all is going on over there is fighting? why do god let terrist attack and kill good people? why do rapist get to live to an old age and someone good dyes at 18? I can keep going on and on... make no wonder a lot of young people don't believe in the almighty "God" he shows us no sign of him being real, all I see is suffering and pain.
Dear, if you compare 100 years with eternity, I think eternity wins =). Winning this life does not mean winning the next- and the next is much more important. I should also note that there are trials in life- some people believe in God, then once they're in trouble they're like "Where's God? God can't exist because He's not helping me!". Happened alot during the Holocaust. Bad situations bring out the best in some and the worst in others. God is testing to see if you are worthy.
One argument could be, "But can't God know if I am worthy without resorting to trials?"
Sure, but do YOU know? And that's what's important. God is not going to throw you in hell for believing weakly- there is no proof, since not even you know your faith is weak until you are tested. Thus the trials.
I was just wondering of an example where lately "god" has shown exsistence or even a little good.. anyone got an example?
God is not a human being. He doesn't need to show Himself to you.
But He is Merciful, and there are many things that point to his existance. However, I don't want to be seen as preaching or trying to convert people to my religion, so I will avoid quoting (unless you want me to, I'd be more than happy to show you

Also, God has done you enough "good" by giving you a body, ears to listen, a nose to smell with, eyes to see through, and a mind superior to all other species.
Tell me why should I believe IN God? I believe there is something beyond our imagination, but I don't believe IN IT!
Why should I believe in God, any God? I just think of all the crimes commited in the name of A god. Think of the old Greek wars. Think of the Holy Wars. Think of the Wich Hunts. Think of the nowadays exorcisations. Why should I believe in a God in whose name so many people died? Think of the Jihad. Think of the Night of St. Bartolomeu. If God truly exists why did HE let all these slaughters even exist? Even HE orders: "DO NOT KILL".
I understand(or at least I believe I understand) that religion is a lot about helping others and turning the other cheek but why? Why should I believe that there is afterlife? Why should I spend a large portion of my life praying? I'm not the kind of guy that passes past a beggar and says "Away from me you bumb!" I'm not like that, I DO help people less fortunate than me but I don't do it because my religion states this way!
One must truly wonder out of all the religions in the world what is the true one? Or is there a true one?
God lets us make our own decisions in this life. If we want to kill people, make people suffer, so be it. We will be punished in the afterlife.
But you might say, wait that's evil why does he let people suffer? As I mentioned earlier suffering in this life is insignificant to God- there's an eternity waiting for you in the afterlife.
I don't remember the exact quote, and I'm too lazy to look it up, but it's something like this:
"If this life had meaning to God, sinners would not get a drop of water in it."
So be patient, and you shall be rewarded
thats the kind of thing that im saying about contradictions people kill in the name of god but god command thou shalt not kill as you just said. but there are those contradictions in the bible aswell
Sadly enough, some people are misguided. But you shouldn't generalize.
Larry: That's sort of my stance. I live by Christian rule...but don't beleive. I think God will forgive us if He exists.
That's understandable. But look at it this way: You're telling God that he is lying by denying His words. Merciful He is, but maybe not to that extent.
Zounds! Methinks I hast underestimated most dubiously thine posting competencies. For mine transgression, I henceforth dub thee Sir Dubious Inconsequential Posting Guy (esquire). Forsooth! Verily, wouldst thou partake upon another post, mote it be of similarly sumptuous calibre!
*applaud* Nice
Sorry for the huge post