Java Applet Probs

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John Steele
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Java Applet Probs

Post by John Steele »

Anytime I try to play a Java game on the Internet (IE7) it closes all IE browsers, even those that aren't related to the site I'm on. Ideas, anyone? I'm running XP Pro.

For an example,
Duelling Tilers, Beach Image, Zombie Infection Simulation, and BeachComber all work perfectly.

However, Rubicon doesn't. All these Java Applets are on the same site, incidentally. Could it be because to start the game you have to open a popup? I don't know. All I know is it crashes ALL my IE browsers when I try it.
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Post by dosraider »

Good, will learn you play Java games on teh internet.
Those things are EVIL.
Don't play them.
Don't enable 'auto' upgrade Java.
Don't use never evah IE.

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Larry Laffer
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Post by Larry Laffer »

Yea, what he said! :blah:
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by emmzee »

Try using Firefox and see if the same problem occurs. If it does, the only thing to do I guess is uninstall the JRE and reinstall. If the problem doesn't happen in Firefox, there ya go, just use Firefox :D
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