Space game with the word 'galaxy' in it.

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Space game with the word 'galaxy' in it.

Post by frighter »

Im not sure when this game came out but it must have been in the early to mid-nineties.

You played the part of a spaceship that flew around in a static window that represented a 'sector' of space. Each level would have a number of sectors layed out in a grid type fashion.

Your ship was maybe 5x5 pixels and you could fly around anywhere on the screen with the use of the mouse. If you 'CTRL' clicked the mouse you would fire lasers and if you 'ALT' clicked the mouse you would fire torpedoes. You could also fire a 'bomb' type weapon that would detonate and cause splash damage to all nearby ships.

The goal of each level was to kill a certain percentage of the enemies in the level, pick up a package that was traveling from left to right on the sector screen (i remember the packages current sector would be highlighted in blue) or to kill a number of motherships that would be flying around.

There were a few different types of enemy ships. One looked like tiny purple angry faces that would shoot torpedos at you, anouther would be a ship that would shoot lasers in yoru direction that would cause you to be surrounded by yellow blocks that you had to shoot at to get through. There was anouther that i could never seem to kill but would follow you around on the screen and you had to do your best to avoid them.

In each sector of space there were also a number of stars, each of these stars had their own gravitational field that would pull you towards them. There was also flashing stars that would drain your energy level if you got too close to them.

You could also use a tractor beam to pick up tiny bits of minerals flying around that would automatically repair your ship.

Thats the best i can do to describe the game, ive been thinking about this game for years and im hoping somone can help me find it.

-- Shane
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Post by doomjedi »

Well, at first sounded like a "Defender", but later descriptions kinda went looking over again even the first descriptions didn't fit that well. :(
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Post by Guest »

I used to play a similiar one called Galaxia. Maybe it's the same one.
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Post by dosraider »

wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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