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looking for a DOS game (need help)
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:50 am
by savage_zen
as a kid (in the 90s) i used to play a DOS game with my dad. the game gave you control of a monster (the one i remember most clearly was a phoenix that could set itself on fire, i think there might have been a unicorn too) and you battled the enemy moster(s) either with 2 players or against the computer. The game had a birds-eye view similar to many flying shooter games, the ones where you continually progress forwards (forwards being the top of the screen), but instead of constantly flying up it was free-roaming. the maps were extremely large compared to the character size, allowing kiting and chases across large areas. the monsters had a few unique attacks, and the maps had varied terrain, such as forests and lava fields. i cant remember the name of the game, but if anyone could help me locate it, it would be hugely appreciated
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:07 am
by savage_zen
just to clear things up, the gae is similar to asteroids in terms of perspective, like a 2d shooter, but it isnt a shooter
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:17 am
by dosraider
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:25 am
by savage_zen
the perspective is closest to magic candle map more than anything else, except that the map is on a much smaller scale, say the area of a forest. what i mean is a tree or something on the landscape is around the same size or a little bit bigger than the castle on the magic candle map. i'm fairly sure the game is either a top down view or nearly a top-down view. but it isn't an RPG either, it's kind of a combat game between 2 monsters on a large map
actually, now that i think about it the view was very similar to an RTS like warcraft. the game itself is a lot like an RTS game, except that the player only controls one unit
Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:46 pm
by savage_zen
after hours of searching through old boxes in the deepest recesses of my basement, i found the game i was looking for- it was Archon Ultra! i guess i forgot the chess-like part of the game, and only remembered the combat. definitely worth a try:
Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:56 pm
by dosraider
Link snipped, not allowed, read the rulez please, THX.
Even if Abandonia is quite OK.....
Allowed is:
Archon Ultra:
savage_zen wrote: i guess i forgot the chess-like part of the game,.....
Then you missed to mention the key clue, many here know that game ......

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:07 pm
by savage_zen
sorry about that :S
haha i was little at the time, i think i was much more entertained by the fighting creatures than by the chessboard
Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:13 pm
by dosraider
If you're interested in something similar but much better give Battle Chess a try.
Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:52 pm
by savage_zen
also found that in my basement. that was the first game i ever played, and i loved it