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No music in Heroes of Might and Magic

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:39 pm
by KungKras
Today, I tried playing the original Heroes of Might and magic using dosbox. (I downloaded it from this site because I don't have the original CD anymore)
But when I try to play it using DosBox, it has all the sound effects, but none of the music, which kinda ruins the experience. I start it with the go command, because when I start it by writing HEROES.EXE it has no sound at all and I end up unable to click anything when the game begins, and when I start it by typing heroes, I get the message "Unable to acess CD drive".
Please help me, it was too long since I last played this game.

Re: No music in Heroes of Might and Magic

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:26 pm
by dosraider
KungKras wrote:Hello
Today, I tried playing the original Heroes of Might and magic using dosbox. (I downloaded it from this site because I don't have the original CD anymore)....
.... do we have Heroes of Might and Magic for download? Don't think so ...

It would be illegal, as it's sold on GOG. ... _and_magic

Probably a warezed' rip you've downloaded, without music.