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Looking for top-down 2D space game early 90's [Inner Space]

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:14 pm
by Zelja .
Looking for a 2d space game where you control a single ship, in a similar style to star control, solar winds, or continuum.

My strongest memory of the game was after a ship was destroyed, it would drop a box of resources/money, if you picked them up, any nearby police/law enforcement ships would get angry at you for piracy and attempt to arrest you by attaching some sort of tow cabe/tractor beam device and dragging you off, although you could still try and run with it attached. If you were carrying around relatively large amounts of resources/money then pirate ships would be more likely to warp in and try and destroy you.

I believe there was also some areas where you could participate in some sort of ship racing. Finally, i seem to remember "event horizon" for some reason, I'd been thinking it had to do with the name, but it's more likely you went into some sort of loading screen which mentioned "approaching event horizon" before fighting a boss.

Unfortunately, my memories are pretty vague, but any help you might have would be great.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:04 am
by AshyRaccoon
That's most definitely Operation: Inner Space: Still being sold!
More screenshots: ... creenshots
I remember the police, tractor beams that they'd use and you can use to spin debris and stuff around your ship, pirates.. Racing.. Something about an event horizon and boss, yes.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:59 pm
by Zelja
Perfect! I'd forgotten you were supposed to be dealing with "viruses" that were infecting icon files on your computer, thanks a lot.

Interesting forum, I think i'll make an account :)