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Can't for the life of me remember the name of this [Boppin']

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:55 am
by Trihan
Okay, I started thinking the other day about this game I used to play. I can't remember the developer but their logo was a teddy bear either holding a knife or with a knife in it.

As for gameplay, IIRC the characters were triangular and had to either collect stuff from a shared screen or do something to the other player. I think it was a 2-player game but may have been up to 4. I may be wrong, but I think one character was purple and one was yellow.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:07 am
by AshyRaccoon
Boppin', by Accursed Toys
Windows-compatible, now. Huh.


Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:07 am
by Trihan
That's the one. You rock!

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:37 am
by DarkDain
oh shit son! I remember that game too <3 gotta rescue dem villains !