An ever-growing snake enters the screen in the upper-left corner, and is constantly moving horizontally and vertically towards the player. The game is over if the player touches any part of the snake. In the beginning, it is easy to avoid the snake, but the available space for moving is quickly reduced. The goal is to survive for the longest time.
The game consists of two files, "boa.exe" and "boa.top". One day many years ago, I wanted to open the exe-file to see how it looked inside. I was probably 11-12 years old then. I had never heard about hex editors, so I opened the file in MS Word. I can't remember if I changed anything, I don't think so, but when I closed the file, Word asked if I wanted to save the file, and by a clumsy mistake I answered "yes". Of course that left the file completely unusable as an executable file because of the Word formatting.
Some years later I opened the file in Notepad, and saw that "Dean (super mouse) Ballard" has written the game. I once sent him an email to an adress I found on Internet, but I didn't get any answer. I would like to try the game again, but I can't, because no one else's ever heard of the game, and I haven't found it anywhere on the internet. But maybe you can help me? It was made in 1989, and is for MS-DOS.