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Fanmade Commander Keen 7 problems [Win7]
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:15 am
by wolfcub7
I reacently found out about the fan-made final trilogy, CK 7, 8 and 9 and am itching to play them but I can't get them to work at all, in fact I can't get them at all.
First of all, I tried to dowload 7 and 8 from
Commander Keen Fans site. And the 9th from a link provided in the description of
this video.
But the 7th's zip.file's game file was titled "KEEN4E" and when I opened it in DOSboc it said it was the fourth game (Secret of the Oracle.), and the 8th's said "KEEN6" and opened up the sithe part, "Alien's Ate My Babysitter".
The 9th's zip didn't seem to have a game file at all.
Another problem is that those games wouldn't even start really. It keeps loading and loadin and loading. And if it stops loading and asks me to press a key, it tilts.
*curse words* x(
I believe I have the newest DODbox version for Windoes. (0.74).
I downloaded it from and I have Windows 7.
Please help me to find the correct games and make them work!
I want more awesome Commander Keen...!!

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:29 am
by dosraider
Don't have any clue where you screw up because you didn't give any relevant details ..... *sigh* Really gonna need more detailed and relevant info from you to be able to help you, really.
FYI: I tried Keen7 and it runs flawless without a glitch in dosbox 0.74.
Info I need from you to be able to help:
Dosbox version
(and not the *I think* info, start dosbox and look, version is up there, so read it).
OS? 7 - 32 or 64 b ?
Your mount lines? (detailed)
Inputs to run the game? (detailed)
Also take a look at
and apply:
Edited your topic title, wasn't really informative.
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:06 am
by wolfcub7
Look, I know it's version 0.74. I meant that I believe it's the newest one for Windows but that it may not be. It's however the newsest I've found. Hence, "I believe I have the newest...", not "I believe I have version number..."
Anyway, I don't think it's me screwing uip. Because all other files and games open and work just fine on my dosbox. Plus, as said, the Keen game files apparently aren't even there but they're just versions of the earlier parts, so the first problem would be that I actually need to find the games I'm trying to play.
Cam amupme point me to a safe site where the zip-files actually include the correct games? Or be so kind and upload the games somewhere if you have them?
Windows 7, 64 bits.
Mount lines:
mount c c:\dosgames
c:\cd keen7
Then the game opens, says it's Keen 4: Secret of the Oracle and keeps on loading or tilts.
Why would someone put wrong game file into the folder? And for all three games? (Or, rather, as sais, in the Keen 9 game's folder there wasn't any game file.)
Okay, now it mounts the drive automatically to c:\.
But that doesn't solve either of the game problems.
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:01 am
by dosraider
wolfcub7 wrote:Anyway, I don't think it's me screwing uip.
Sure about that?
wolfcub7 wrote:Why would someone put wrong game file into the folder?
It's not the wrong file name, Keen7 uses Keen4's engine and thus needs that one in the folder.
Problem is your launch, that's the correct one:
This will launch Keen7 in stead of Keen4.
wolfcub7 wrote:mount c c:\dosgames
Is plain wrong for Win7.
Win98, W2k and XP times are long gone.
Once again read
and apply
Keen fanmade games have their forum:
Maybe you could ask your questions there? I don't intend to download a bunch of games just to test them .....
There is a 'readme' included in Keen7 zip
Keen7 readme wrote:
General Instructions
To play, run Keen7.bat. ..........
etcetera ......................
Great chances there will also be a 'readme' in the others, maybe read them? Usually those things include instructions how to get them games to run .......
Just saying.

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:12 am
by wolfcub7
Why is it wrong? It works perfectly fine, so why should I bother typing a long path?
(Obviously now it wouldn't matter anymore as it's set to mount automatically but until today I'd typed it every time.)
It turns out the only problem I actually had was typing "exe" instead of "bat" and that I didn't know how the file names were 'cause I have no idea how fanmade games work (as in thought it was a wrong game file.)
And yes, I should've read the Read Me. I never bother with those because with all honesty I'venever ever my life have needed to and therefore forgot all about them. But I realize I should've thought to, especially as I'm newbie to Dosbox and these kind of things.
And thanks for the fangames forum link! I'll take my other question there. I tried here targetting the question at people who have these games, I never expected anyone to go download them just for this.
Thank you again!
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 12:26 pm
by dosraider
wolfcub7 wrote:
Why is it wrong? It works perfectly fine, so why should I bother typing a long path?
Once you fill your mount lines in autoexec you don't have to type long pathnames.
As for dosbox:Read write restrictions, if it works for you it means you run dosbox (and probably all other programs) with full admin privileges. Normally dosbox shouldn't have access to c:\dosgames in Win7 for security reasons.
For security and safety you shouldn't.
None on Unix/Linux ever do so, and that's now exactly one of the main reasons those OSses are much more secure than Windows ......
By doing so you give full and free access to any malware/spyware/virus.. to do whatever they want on your PC ....
And I can add a lot more of this kind of crap why you really shouldn't, but i really don't feel like it.
It's your PC, suit yourself.
wolfcub7 wrote:Thank you again!
You're welcome.