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Searching for Skunny games, full versions (Copysoft)

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:59 pm
by humanoid
Hi all, I'm searching for the full versions of all the Skunny games, made by Copysoft.

The games were being sold for quite some time but apparently the main website is not being maintained anymore (only front page is available -> ) and any email addresses are no longer valid.

These are the games I'm searching for (especially the ones with a (*)):
Skunny: Back to the Forest (*)
Skunny: In The Wild West
Skunny Kart
Skunny: Save Our Pizzas! (*)
Skunny's Desert Raid
Skunny: Special Edition

Unfortunately even after a deep search I was only able to find shareware versions so I hope someone here can help me get the full versions.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:17 pm
by MrFlibble
Well, apparently those games are no longer sold but you can try finding old copies off Amazon, eBay or other similar services.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:26 pm
by Guest
but you can try finding old copies off Amazon, eBay or other similar services.
Unfortunately even after a deep search I was only able to find shareware versions
That included such services. But I guess if I'm lucky something will show up at some point, I was just hoping there would be a quicker, less time consuming way...

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:58 pm
by MrFlibble
Anonymous wrote:a quicker, less time consuming way...
This is not an abandonware website, but those can be easily found by Googling. No idea if any of them has Skunny games though.

The other kind of "quicker and less time consuming way" would be if anyone here had a copy and would sell/give it for free to you I guess? I don't have any of these games, sorry.

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:44 pm
by exoscoriae
I have copies of these games that I no longer want. I would be glad to send them to you.