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Scored today .......

Post by dosraider »

Purpose of topic:
-> What ol'junk did you found/bought lately.
-> Hardware only please, is there is some interest in games start another topic, let us keep things a bit tidely, shall we?
->Do not post here in this topic about newer stuffs, should be at least 5 - 10 years old gear.


Also: pics please, THX.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Post by dosraider »

Sometimes it's interesting to pay a visit to your past and say hello to your old colleagues.
Found in the trash @ my ol'work:
Asus A6
Intel Celeron 1.7 GHz - 1;5 GB ram - ATI 128MB - etcetera.
Good working ordre, except battery is Fubar.

IBM Thinkpad R50e Intel Celeron 1;3HGz - 512MB ram - Intel video.
Needs a bit of work this one (CMOS batt-HD ids fubar ....)

Intel P3 0.8GHz- 256MB ram - ATI Mobility Radeon
Works, bit slow (XP), gonna install W98SE or W2Ksp4 on that one.
Interesting: has a fully featured docking station.

Siemens Scenic mobile 750
Intel P2 300 MHz- 256MB ram
ATI 3D rage 4 MB
Creative SB CT1335.
Removable lid, nice when connect to an external screen.
As the sound card is fully dos compliant it's gonna get MsDos-Win3. :)
Or MsDos-W98SE dual boot, even better.

All for free, of course!

Moi is happy.................. :thumbsup:
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Post by Aldeb »

Confusing title i think. here's a 486 i bought for an equivalent of $30 not long ago. still works, but win 3.1 is in german. msdos works well enough, and i'll probably install total commander so i can actually use it properly. I bought a serial/ps2 mouse and keyboard adapter since finding a serial mouse/keyboard is almost impossible today. it won't even start if you don't hook up at least a keyboard to it. it works well enough, and wasn't used all that much


odd pci video card, or is it an old 2d card?

processor (i think) is 60 Mhz, with 8MB RAM and a 400mb HDD But i haven't used it in 4 months so i'm not 100% sure
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Post by dosraider »

Aldeb wrote:Confusing title i think...
It's all in the eye of the beholder ...... :laugh:
BTW, nice find, a 486, but 30$? Here in Belgium you find them en masse in the electro recyclage dumpsters, can get them for free ..... or maximum the price of old metal.
As for your Video card, could you retrieve it and get a full pic of it? Need a slightly better view of that thing.

Seems those ISA slots are begging for a Ensonic/SB sound card or similar....

Perhaps a Cirrus Logic VGAccelerator?? 8540 ???
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Post by Aldeb »

There's no recycling where I live. I wish i can get one for free. On the card is says: Cirrus Logic cl-gd5434-dc-e
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Post by dosraider »

Oooo seems to be a nice one

http://bitsavers.informatik.uni-stuttga ... aSheet.pdf (PDF download) ... d5434.html

Seems drivers for 'GD5434' are available.
Some peeps have all the luck!
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Post by dosraider »

Aldeb wrote:There's no recycling where I live.
Shame, you can find real gems in those.
Piles of old PCs laptops whatever.
And those old things are of course filled with all kind of goodie, SB cards, vidcards .... and so on.
Must always restrain myself, have already so much stuff boxed I'll never use ..... :blah:

BTW, you seem to be from the same country as our co-admin, Larry Laffer.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Post by 486 player »

After (estimated) 21 years o' existence, my RTC chip's BIOSbattery finally emptied and I had to get a new comp. After 4 months I finally got it (and had almost a month o' fight to get it to work). So here it is: (current specs in old thread)

Came with:
Leaked NiCad-battery (replaced with NiMH one)
Tseng ET4000AX
Pro Audio Spectrum 16
16 MB RAM (where 4 MB EMS in a card)
and 520 MB HD


Kinda tall, ain't it. :rolleyes:
As it was when it came.
Ready for 1st test.
NO Windows, NO DOSBox, DOS!
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