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Games in online VM?

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:26 pm
by Quadko
I was looking at online VMs and wondering about using them for appropriate games. (Probably not for the first time. :))

At minimum it looks like Amazon, Microsoft, and maybe Google will all run Linux VMs. Has anyone given them a try?

I was thinking of desktop games more like Javelin, the Java based roguelike, than Windows games, high graphic resource Linux games, or even dosbox.

(Though dosbox probably would work, but maybe then just use the in-browser jDosbox. ;))

I haven't parsed out the various offerings to know what's really a Linux VM with a desktop vs. what's a server to run some webserver code or SAAS. Or to see if a company could host an open demo of their game in "login and play" mode.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:25 pm
by Quadko
I found LabX which sounded perfect, so spent some time and risked signing up for the free week w/ PayPal billing.

At the moment they are down and their forums make it look like a long term issue. And now I have to go figure out how to cancel billing. Trouble, sorrow, and woe! Too bad, it sure sounded like what I was after.

I'm avoiding the big providers since I just want to play, but so far it's not looking great. Bitcoin miners seem to take everyone down. Open to suggestions!

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:30 pm
by Quadko
I gave up on LabX.

I also tried with better results; I could create a VM, but I couldn't get VNC to work, not a local VNC viewer app or their 'in browser' VNC client. So, no solution, but at least they seem real. And they have a nice "guest" trial with no payment info required. I might try them again another time.