So you played as this guy and I don't remember his name, but at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen there was this circle with red blood cells in it and the more you got it[by zombies]the more red blood cells there would be. It would also give you a percentage of how infected you were. You were trying you work your way through this town and to a hospital I believe and so when you make it to this graveyard the screen switches to third person and there are two different paths you can take. One goes left and one goes right and you have to pick one and find out if it takes you to the hospital. But the entire time you're working your way through this path, these zombies just keep coming from both directions and there's this very distinct zombie that I remember. He had spikes through his face and I always got stuck at that point.
I've tried looking this up so many times with no luck. IT IS NOT RESIDENT EVIL OR LEFT 4 DEAD! I really hope someone can help me find this buried treasure, thanks.