Tank game, late 1980s or early 1990s, Fired Red Discs [Nova 9]

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Tank game, late 1980s or early 1990s, Fired Red Discs [Nova 9]

Post by dosgamer8522 »

Here's what I remember:

you control a polygonal black tank, sort-of futurish, might have been a hovercraft-tank hybrid
stages include ocean (on top of the water) and desert areas
Main cannon shot was a red disc
one of the power ups was a green cone shot (piercing?)
You could switch between first-person view and third-person view

I think there was a radar indicating enemy position(s)

One of the computer opponents on the ocean level was heavily armored in the front (like a bulldozer sort-of shield)

Can't remember if it the exact date, but pretty sure it was released before Windows 95.

NOT [Scorched Earth, Battlezone], which were the some of the most common search results for "DOS game tank retro"

NOT [Black Rein] (thanks to Rwolf for ruling out another game, though)

NOT [Tank Time 3D, Thunder Brigade] (thanks to Rwolf for ruling out two other games, though)

Probably NOT [ArcticFox] (thanks to Rwolf for likely ruling out yet another game, though).

SOLVED: Nova 9: The Return of Gir Draxon (1991)
Last edited by dosgamer8522 on Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Rwolf »

I haven't played it (yet) but there was a hover-tank arcade wargame called 'Black Rein'. Win3.x & Win95 compatible (16 bit).
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Post by dosgamer8522 »

Rwolf wrote:I haven't played it (yet) but there was a hover-tank arcade wargame called 'Black Rein'. Win3.x & Win95 compatible (16 bit).
Thanks for the lead, but it doesn't seem to be the game I was thinking of.
Ironically, I think those graphics in Black Rein are better than the polygonal tank game I'm remembering.

I found some screenshots here.

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Post by Rwolf »

Another suggestion: 'TankTime 3D', a Battlezone clone. The tank is black, and there may be some red munitions flying at the opponent in some screenshots. No screen shots of a 3rd person view, not sure about a hover tank option, so it could be wrong.


Another suggestion: 'Thunder Brigade' - this has 1st & 3rd person views, and it's a hover tank. Not black, and no red discs in the screenshots.

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Post by dosgamer8522 »

Rwolf wrote:Another suggestion: 'TankTime 3D', a Battlezone clone. The tank is black, and there may be some red munitions flying at the opponent in some screenshots. No screen shots of a 3rd person view, not sure about a hover tank option, so it could be wrong.


Another suggestion: 'Thunder Brigade' - this has 1st & 3rd person views, and it's a hover tank. Not black, and no red discs in the screenshots.

Thanks for some more potential leads, but alas, neither of those two games are the one I'm remembering.
They are a fair bit newer (released in 2000 and 1998) than "late 1980s or early 1990s".
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Post by Rwolf »

How about the reallly old ones; did it use wireframe/vector grapics?

Arctic Fox is a little beyond that, but still primitive.

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Post by dosgamer8522 »

Rwolf wrote:How about the reallly old ones; did it use wireframe/vector grapics?

Arctic Fox is a little beyond that, but still primitive.

This seems to check off many more boxes.
Release timeframe, sci-fi/futuristic setting, black tanks, polygonal blockiness.

I want to say this is the game and be able to put this nagging mystery to rest, but I feel that it probably isn't.

Thank you very much for your continued digging, Rwolf.
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Tank game, late 1980s or early 1990s, Fired Red Discs

Post by dosgamer8522 »

By complete coincidence, I stumbled upon the answer to my own query.

Nova 9: The Return of Gir Draxon, which was a sequel to Arctic Fox, mentioned earlier in the thread. (Big thanks to Rwolf!)

Gameplay sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK7MRQHOZf0
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Tank game, late 1980s or early 1990s, Fired Red Discs [Nova 9]

Post by Rwolf »

Good you found it; I'm not sure that it was a direct sequel; even if both were made by Dynamix, there is no mention of the Draxon/Stellar 7 stories which are in the same game group as Nova 9. Still similar gameplay I guess, so it could be they kept improving on the A.F. and adding a more fleshed out story later.
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