2000's Pc game third person aliens adventure

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2000's Pc game third person aliens adventure

Post by Hazzy4F »

Hi, I can’t remember the name of a game me and my brother used to play. It was release probably between 2000 and 2005, we played on pc and it was a third person adventure game and the main character was a weird bipedal alien. In one of the first cutscenes you where flying close to the ground of a colorful planet and I think that another Alien that looked like you jumped into your spaceship, but gets his fingers stuck on the cockpit and falls. The spaceship crashes. That’s where you started playing, after the crash. I don’t exactly remember if you were the one flying the spaceship or you were the guy who jumped on it. The game was kinda violent and dark, or that’s what I remember, I was probably around 6 or 8 years old, I’m 20 now.

That’s pretty much all I can remember. Would love if you guys could tell my what games that was.

Thanks a lot!
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Post by Hazzy4F »

Now that I think about it the game is probably older than what I said. Let’s say it was release around the year 2000, could be older or newer, but only by a margin of maybe 2-3 years.
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Post by Manafae »

Perhaps this one https://www.mobygames.com/game/chewy-esc-from-f5

It doesn't exactly fit your description, but it has a weird bipedal alien, a spaceship crash, is third person, it's not really dark tho and the violence is exaggarated and silly.

Another game but considerably less adventure like which starts directly after a crash with your spaceship:


This one fits the dark, violent part, but not the adventure aspect:


That's about all my ideas :)
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Post by Hazzy4F »

Thanks for the answer! Unfortunately the game I’m looking for is neither of those 3. Gotta keep looking!

Thanks again for the suggestions.
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Post by Quadko »

I don't know the game, but maybe on this list of alien protagonist games:

https://www.mobygames.com/game-group/pr ... t,0/so,1a/
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