part of the arnold squaztaneggar prank calls
part of the arnold squaztaneggar prank calls
Hi try this program
my friend compiled it with the old arny prank calls[/url]
my friend compiled it with the old arny prank calls[/url]
**Yoshi** wrote:I love it but I have the full version on here somewheres where he is talking to a is so darn hilarious!!
yes he did get it from teh full version
I think he just compiled wav filesWardrich wrote:what a good use of VB... lol. Sound in VB is complicated, I'm guessing he had to write his own sound playing procedure?
if oyu would like to know anything else about VB
please visit
Did you really register teh? If you haven't, you don't need to. Just claim it as a trademark. It costs nothing. But registering a trademark costs several hundred dollars.
TM and (R). The TM is free, the (R) costs money. And the government expects people to respect both of them equally, the (R) is just easier to prove in court in case of a dispute.
TM and (R). The TM is free, the (R) costs money. And the government expects people to respect both of them equally, the (R) is just easier to prove in court in case of a dispute.
OK, Dnirex, to make your trademark official, copy and paste what is below.
As founder of 'Krazer0', I hereby make trademark claim to the name of 'Krazer0' as it relates to "a derivative of the name Kazer0, the alias of Andrew Charron, a member of the DOS Games Discussion Forum.". dated 28-FEB-2004. SIGNED, (put in your full name in all caps)
This trademark is only useful to prevent anyone except you from calling Kazer0 "Krazer0". If anyone wants to spoof Kazer0's name, they will have to use something other than Krazer0 (They can use Krazero, an O instead of a zero). If someone makes Krazer0 crackers, Krazer0 televisions, etc. you have no right to stop them.
If someone infringes your trademark, it is up to you to tell them to stop. If you ignore it too long, your trademark may be dissolved into oblivion. It is easy for someone to get away with a trademark violation since it is hard to prove. And ignorance is a useful excuse to become not guilty.
Have fun!
As founder of 'Krazer0', I hereby make trademark claim to the name of 'Krazer0' as it relates to "a derivative of the name Kazer0, the alias of Andrew Charron, a member of the DOS Games Discussion Forum.". dated 28-FEB-2004. SIGNED, (put in your full name in all caps)
This trademark is only useful to prevent anyone except you from calling Kazer0 "Krazer0". If anyone wants to spoof Kazer0's name, they will have to use something other than Krazer0 (They can use Krazero, an O instead of a zero). If someone makes Krazer0 crackers, Krazer0 televisions, etc. you have no right to stop them.
If someone infringes your trademark, it is up to you to tell them to stop. If you ignore it too long, your trademark may be dissolved into oblivion. It is easy for someone to get away with a trademark violation since it is hard to prove. And ignorance is a useful excuse to become not guilty.
Have fun!

lets take care of that capital o too.As founder of 'Krazer0', I hereby make trademark claim to the name of 'Krazer0' as it relates to "a derivative of the name Kazer0, the alias of Andrew Charron, a member of the DOS Games Discussion Forum.". dated 28-FEB-2004. SIGNED, Erind Nemo.
As founder of 'KrazerO', I hereby make trademark claim to the name of 'KrazerI' as it relates to "a derivative of the name Kazer0, the alias of Andrew Charron, a member of the DOS Games Discussion Forum.". dated 28-FEB-2004. SIGNED, Erind Nemo.
[/quote]As founder of 'Doggybreath', I hereby make trademark claim to the name of 'Doggybreath' as it relates to "a derivative of the name dogbreath, the alias of Dog Breath, a member of the Pimps International Fan Club.". dated 28-FEB-2004. SIGNED, Erind Nemo.
sasha: Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go have sex with my boyfriend.