Witchaven and Deadly tide?

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Witchaven and Deadly tide?

Post by lmh1 »

Hi i hope some one did have experence with gaming developing here?

What is possible to fix games old games with better and updated grapic?
This works with window 10, but hard to get it works on linux.

Its look like its build with Build_(game_engine) so its someone that know this developer tools?
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Witchaven and Deadly tide?

Post by MrFlibble »


Witchaven indeed runs on the Build engine. You can either play it via DOSBox, or use a source port that was created based on leaked source code:

As for Deadly Tide, I remember it was a Microsoft published game but 100% not Build engine. It's for Windows and maybe you'll be able to run it with DxWnd.
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Witchaven and Deadly tide?

Post by lmh1 »

BuildGDX make its look better yes i can set up full HD but its need some config to get complete setup.
I find out its based on OpenAL 1.18.1 (OpenGL 4.6 or vulcan to day?)

And BuildGDX its not developer tools, but its it possible without much skils to develop games to works better? MSI afterbuner with OSD did no works i did not get cpu\gpu load and its still look poor quality?

I also need more information about DxWnd because its not to set up look it for first time.

If you have some idea with Mother ghouse or Whitworths planet earth to works will i be nice.
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Witchaven and Deadly tide?

Post by MrFlibble »

lmh1 wrote: I find out its based on OpenAL 1.18.1 (OpenGL 4.6 or vulcan to day?)
OpenAL is the sound subsystem, I don't know what video renderers are used by GDX Build ports but OpenGL is likely supported.
lmh1 wrote: And BuildGDX its not developer tools, but its it possible without much skils to develop games to works better? MSI afterbuner with OSD did no works i did not get cpu\gpu load and its still look poor quality?
I'm not sure what you mean to "work better"? Do you have performance issues? (like slowdowns or low framerate)

But if you mean looking better, all Build ports support high-res graphics, and Phredreeke made a neural upscale pack of Witchaven sprites:
https://forums.duke4.net/topic/10499-wi ... cale-pack/
lmh1 wrote: I also need more information about DxWnd because its not to set up look it for first time.
This might be helpful:
https://www.play-old-pc-games.com/compa ... ing-dxwnd/
lmh1 wrote: If you have some idea with Mother ghouse or Whitworths planet earth to works will i be nice.
If you mean Mixed-Up Mother Goose it has a DOS version that should work in DOSBox. For the other game, never heard, sorry.
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Witchaven and Deadly tide?

Post by lmh1 »

I'm not sure what you mean to "work better"? Do you have performance issues? (like slowdowns or low framerate)
Its outdated design

But its look little better than dosbox and other technology.
I hope some developer can add more texture in this game? Or be its to hard?
If you mean Mixed-Up Mother Goose it has a DOS version that should work in DOSBox
I tryed that but i did not get games to works.

I did not get Whitworth's Planet Earth and its Amazing Natural Treasures to works, i thin quick time did not allow to run or play games.
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Witchaven and Deadly tide?

Post by MrFlibble »

lmh1 wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 11:36 am
I'm not sure what you mean to "work better"? Do you have performance issues? (like slowdowns or low framerate)
Its outdated design

But its look little better than dosbox and other technology.
I hope some developer can add more texture in this game? Or be its to hard?
Witchaven is not really a popular game, but perhaps someone is going to create a remake.
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Witchaven and Deadly tide?

Post by lmh1 »

Its because its so old, if you see doom 64 or resident evil its get a lot more games because new upgrades.
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Witchaven and Deadly tide?

Post by MrFlibble »

lmh1 wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:31 pm if you see doom 64 or resident evil its get a lot more games because new upgrades.
The new release of Doom 64 is a faithful recreation of the original Nintendo game. It has only received updates for it to run on modern PCs, and controls compatible with a typical PC setup. And there are new levels in there too. But it's Doom, the most popular game from the era.

Witchaven on the other hand was quite experimental, and coming from a development company that did not really produce any particularly bright titles.
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Witchaven and Deadly tide?

Post by lmh1 »

That happed if i try to upgrade:BuildGDX frustating.
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