V3 Racing Wheel

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V3 Racing Wheel

Post by emmzee »

Yesterday I received an email from someone looking for help with a racing wheel, I wasn't sure what to tell them but figured someone here might have suggestions. Here's their message:
I have a V3 racing wheel that says: Works with DOS and Windows games, I have older and newer computer and have older windows ie win95, 98 etc. However I need a platform for this and was told that it has to be a windows games. Do you have any reasonable priced one for sale that will be compatible with what I have. I need to set this up,, or refer me to a site. I am 79 years old and by using this racing game, it will help me reduce the effects of any arthritis and also will sharpen my reaction time. Thanks for your reply.
They are located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Any suggestions?
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V3 Racing Wheel

Post by Rwolf »

I did not recognize the wheel name, so I googled; InterAct seems to be the brand name, but I'm unfamiliar with them.

Since the V3 wheel is also available for consoles, I hope its the right version to hook it up to a PC.
Unclear what is meant with 'needing a platform'?

I have not found a specific website for the company, but here is one site with drivers that may work:
https://www.driverfiles.net/Game-Device ... 1,24,.html
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