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L.M.A Manager 2007 recommendation

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:24 pm
by Scottish29
Unsure where to actually post this thread so if I've posted in the wrong section please excuse me as I'm new here not really looked around much and takes me a while to get fully up to date where to post stuff.

In my first thread on here I mentioned L.M.A Manager 2007 and MrFlibble suggested I reach out and ask for help and I said I would, I tried to download a copy but my laptop recognises it as a trojan and harmful data so I decided not to go on with it incase it is serious and not just a glitch.

Would anyone be kind enough to suggest where to go to for a download copy of L.M.A Manager 2007

I got it installed last week but an .exe file stopped it from actually working so deleted and can't remember where I got it from, any suggestions?



L.M.A Manager 2007 recommendation

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 2:54 pm
by MrFlibble
I quickly looked up info on that game, and it looks like the game is not sold currently. You can get a playable demo here:

L.M.A Manager 2007 recommendation

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 8:02 pm
by Scottish29
MrFlibble wrote: I quickly looked up info on that game, and it looks like the game is not sold currently. You can get a playable demo here:
Thank you for the response, it's ok, just sucks so wish it there was a way of downloading old games such as this

L.M.A Manager 2007 recommendation

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:17 am
by MrFlibble
Well yeah, some old titles are not sold from digital stores, it's either buying a physical copy via Amazon/ebay, contenting yourself with a demo if there's one, or resorting to piracy but you really can catch malware that way. And we do not discuss pirating software here.