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Late 1990s pc puzzle tactical board game [Colony]

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 5:29 am
by pikilin
so.. the game was kind of tactical strategy game like Othello and Chinese checkers and I am sure it was windows game (something between 1997-2000 probably), and on the board there were marbles or bubbles if you will, and the goal was to reach the other side of the board (opponent starting point).the bubbles were in 3D and the movement was horizontal just like Othello and Chinese checkers. I used to play against the computer and when I came into the computers bubbles, mine become bigger and even split the computer bubble into 2 little bubbles and I needed to take his bubbles out, before he reach my starting point. so your next move was important and critical like Chinese checkers. I also remember that you could combine 2 small bubbles into bigger one.
I remember the bubbles or marbles.. I think were green and red kind of like the rubber toy balls.

ring any bell?

Late 1990s pc puzzle tactical board game

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 9:00 am
by Rwolf
Not really a checkers game, but maybe Colony?

There is a list of board-game conversions here: ... re/page:1/

Late 1990s pc puzzle tactical board game [Colony]

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 1:30 pm
by pikilin
wow Rwolf mate, this is it :) colony.
you are really good at what you are doing here ;) I googled and googled and nothing really came out. I tried many descriptions, but nothing. and here you dig this forgotten game out of no where :clap:
I installed it already and some how I remember that the balls used to split into smaller balls, but maybe I didn't remember it as it was.
well, many thanks for the effort, I appreciate it very much :thumbsup:

Late 1990s pc puzzle tactical board game [Colony]

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 4:39 pm
by Rwolf
Glad to be of assistance :-)

The developers still have a website up where they sell many of their old games.
There seems to have been an earlier version, maybe that had the ball split/merge feature?

Looking for late 1990s pc puzzle tactical board game

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 4:28 am
by pikilin
"There seems to have been an earlier version, maybe that had the ball split/merge feature?"
can you post link to the older version please?

Looking for late 1990s pc puzzle tactical board game

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 1:14 pm
by Rwolf
I don't have such a link,it was mentioned in the game description only; it does not seem to be documented at Mobygames; maybe it was described in the game manual or at the developers site?

Late 1990s pc puzzle tactical board game [Colony]

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 4:27 pm
by pikilin
ok, I will try to search for it. at least now I know what I am looking for ;)