Are the game-mechanics in thes teek web-application exactly like in the old original?

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Are the game-mechanics in thes teek web-application exactly like in the old original?

Post by Drachenbauer »

I found this web-recreation of an old game called Zeek the Geek:
(it does not let me turn the url into a link or even use the full url)
In this version I found out following behaviours:
The deinosaur like creature eats flowers(including the purple carnivorus one), apples, both mushroons, eggs and pills.
It cannot pass through: walls, balls, barrels, crystals, laser-gun-eyes, treasure-chests, doors, keys, TNT
TNT can remove everything except: walls, balls, barrels, crystals.

Do theese properties are exactly the same in the old original windows game?
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Gaming Demi-god
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Are the game-mechanics in thes teek web-application exactly like in the old original?

Post by Rwolf »

I don't know, but there is a web version of the DOS game you can play here: ... ne-online/
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Are the game-mechanics in thes teek web-application exactly like in the old original?

Post by Drachenbauer »

Another question about Zeek the Geek:
One game-element is a yellow barrel with "xx" on it.
Does this have any game-mechanic-differences to walls?
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Gaming Demi-god
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Are the game-mechanics in thes teek web-application exactly like in the old original?

Post by Rwolf »

The game mechanics & items for the web version are described here:
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Demoniac Demo maniac
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Are the game-mechanics in thes teek web-application exactly like in the old original?

Post by MrFlibble »

Rwolf wrote: I don't know, but there is a web version of the DOS game you can play here:
It's not a DOS game, it's a Win3.x one and that site just runs DOSBox with an installed version of Win3.1 to run it (which is kind of a shady practice to me).

Drachenbauer, why do you think that we know the game so well we'd be able to tell the difference? You can grab the original (shareware?) version and try it out yourself -- if your machine does not support 16-bit Windows applications, you can use Wine or winevdm.
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