Getting most frequently asked about games to work in XP
Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:21 pm
Can I get Jazz Jackrabbit to work in windows XP at all?
Yes you can! Use Dosbox or VDMsound (must be patched with Tppatch first)
Requires TPPatch
<a href="">VDMsound and VDMS launchpad (If not here I will find links soon) </a>
<a href="">Dosbox</a>
Jazz Jackrabbit 1 or 2 demo or full version
Instructions below
1. Open My Computer and then c:\ place Jazz Jackrabbit folder into there via copy and paste or drop and drag. Then rename the folder to jazz (makes things easier so that you dont need to use funny dos symbols etc)
2. Download TPPatch Avaliable from numerous sources on the web. Google or tppatch.exe and it should be found easily. This program is only 5.7kb for those who were wondering, then extract this to the jazz folder you put in c:\ not long ago.
3. Go to start>Run then type command or go to start>programs>Accessories then Ms-Dos Prompt. When in the prompt type c: then cd\jazz now you are in the jazz directory and then type tppatch jazz.exe and you should get a response 'ok.... fertig'. You may close the Ms-Dos Window Now
4. You should be able to launch jazz in windows without emulation but the performance is crap and it jerks like anything unless you have tweeked all the shells etc but that is a rather long story, DONT GO THERE!
1. <a href=" ... ">Download this file</a>
2. Setup Jazz Jackrabbit to Sound Blaster Pro on defaults. (File is also in the archive)
3. Place file that is downloaded in to jazz directory after installing VDMsound and launchpad and then right click the main jazz.exe and then run with VDMS (one with music notes next to it)
RUNNING JAZZ IN DOSBOX (Some Dosbox Experience Recommended)
1. Place Jazz Jackrabbit directory in to C:\
2.Boot Dosbox and Mount the Jazz Directory to c:\ by using D-Fend or mounting manually
Mounting Drive manually is simple. Type Mount c x:\jazz (Where as X is the drive Jazz resides on.)
3. Type c:\ and then jazz.exe
4. It will run a bit jerky if Dosbox is set to 10000 cycles. It is recommended that you run it at 2500 cycles (Default)
This should fix many other Apogee games that have a runtime error.
Other games that will be added later are
Death Rally Solution
Warcraft 2
Crusader No Remorse\Regret
Bio meanace
Yes you can! Use Dosbox or VDMsound (must be patched with Tppatch first)
Requires TPPatch
<a href="">VDMsound and VDMS launchpad (If not here I will find links soon) </a>
<a href="">Dosbox</a>
Jazz Jackrabbit 1 or 2 demo or full version
Instructions below
1. Open My Computer and then c:\ place Jazz Jackrabbit folder into there via copy and paste or drop and drag. Then rename the folder to jazz (makes things easier so that you dont need to use funny dos symbols etc)
2. Download TPPatch Avaliable from numerous sources on the web. Google or tppatch.exe and it should be found easily. This program is only 5.7kb for those who were wondering, then extract this to the jazz folder you put in c:\ not long ago.
3. Go to start>Run then type command or go to start>programs>Accessories then Ms-Dos Prompt. When in the prompt type c: then cd\jazz now you are in the jazz directory and then type tppatch jazz.exe and you should get a response 'ok.... fertig'. You may close the Ms-Dos Window Now
4. You should be able to launch jazz in windows without emulation but the performance is crap and it jerks like anything unless you have tweeked all the shells etc but that is a rather long story, DONT GO THERE!
1. <a href=" ... ">Download this file</a>
2. Setup Jazz Jackrabbit to Sound Blaster Pro on defaults. (File is also in the archive)
3. Place file that is downloaded in to jazz directory after installing VDMsound and launchpad and then right click the main jazz.exe and then run with VDMS (one with music notes next to it)
RUNNING JAZZ IN DOSBOX (Some Dosbox Experience Recommended)
1. Place Jazz Jackrabbit directory in to C:\
2.Boot Dosbox and Mount the Jazz Directory to c:\ by using D-Fend or mounting manually
Mounting Drive manually is simple. Type Mount c x:\jazz (Where as X is the drive Jazz resides on.)
3. Type c:\ and then jazz.exe
4. It will run a bit jerky if Dosbox is set to 10000 cycles. It is recommended that you run it at 2500 cycles (Default)
This should fix many other Apogee games that have a runtime error.
Other games that will be added later are
Death Rally Solution
Warcraft 2
Crusader No Remorse\Regret
Bio meanace