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old game

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:48 pm
by Guest

I was going through some of my old files a couple of days ago, and i came acroso some old game mauels and stuch (crystal caves, paganatzi, harry hugo, etc...) I came across this old pictures with a bunch or character descriptiopns, at the bottom it says that it is called ORBIT, but i can't find a copy of it anywhere, help would be apprediated


here is a copy of the paper

Image ... 0051ee.jpg

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:50 pm
by Sorcerdon
can u make it any bigger plz?

plz just a bit bigger


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:49 pm
by Guest

I didn't know how to make it smaller

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:27 pm
by Wally