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I used to play lotus!!!! But can't find it anymore.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2003 6:54 am
by slorrando
People, I used to play Lotus on my computer. I don't know if the title was more than just Lotus, but is was a race game. You could chooce between a few lotus cars and you could create your own track with trucks crossing or with turbo zones and more. I hope someone can tell me more about this game and where I can find more info. I am desperatley seeking!


Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2003 4:41 pm
by Guest
Wait ,wait, wait...Hmm...Lotus???!
You mean the...?
You couldn't mean THAT Lotus...Could you?!
The one in which you drove the Lotus Esprit Turbo SE???!
Holy crap! So someone DID play that game!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was a REAAAAAALLL game! Well you can find the game and emulator
here: <i>I really doubt he was looking for the Amiga roms and file mirrors.

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2003 9:07 pm
by wardrich
i wouldnt be surprised if he was, but y not just put up the name of the site that the roms are on (in case somebody else thinks that game sounds kinda kool)


Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2003 9:54 pm
by Da_Goat
notice: the name, not the url.

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2003 10:09 pm
by wardrich
obviously you haven't done any searches for roms in a while. They are almost impossible to find (or at least the console roms are) nevertheless, i will do a search for the Amiga Rom and Emulator and play what i hope will be a good game


Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2003 9:33 am
by John The Ax
It was really easy to guess. I can't remember it, though.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2003 8:44 am
by lotusfan
I used to play that one too!
I search it everywhere from a long time! (and can't find it)
I found some version but it doesn't work on my PC (under win98) - the error is "...divide overflow..." or something

PLEASE, help me!! :cry:

Lotus was great game! :)

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 1:14 am
by Da_Goat
wardrich wrote:obviously you haven't done any searches for roms in a while. They are almost impossible to find (or at least the console roms are) nevertheless, i will do a search for the Amiga Rom and Emulator and play what i hope will be a good game

Well, in that I'm only interested in SNES roms, they are relatively easy to find.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 5:52 am
by Thunderdog
The absolute easiest ROMs to find, and MAME roms.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:40 am
by wardrich
i know a site FULL of snes, nes, genesis and many other ROMs. i prolly cant post it here so PM me if you want it...


Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:49 pm
by J-Man
Lotus was actually a DOS game (made by Gremlin Interactive). There was a shareware version that only gave you one car on one track. I don't know where to download it, though.

I think the full name is "Lotus III Raceway".

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 9:47 pm
by wardrich
before anybody complains *cough* wally4000 *cough ;) This is a LEGIT revival. NO COMPLAINING FOR J00!!!11!1!111!


Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 11:35 am
by Guest
i have it

*email address removed at user request*

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 4:57 pm
by Octocon888
well if u can't find amiga roms then look for the FAR FAR FAR superior machine THE ATARI ST :D and although this isn't the rom site its actually a dedicated ST site which can steer you to the right way to finding the games do a search for it-> the little green desktop

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 3:53 pm
by kapcom01
Hi, i had that game a long time ago! :cuccoan:
I dont know if you are talking about the same...i just remember that it was called Lotus III and it was a demo version and i could only drive a green car :) I was too young thats all i remember. It was the coolest racing game i had with great music, perfect for those years with dos OS.


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 6:30 pm
by nicki
can i just say i have been looking for lotus everywhere too! I think mine was shareware and you cud only pick one car and i think it was purple/blue it was the best game ever, I loved the music and if anyone has it, email it me at

[email protected]

Thanks :D

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 3:51 pm
by Master Decoy
Lotus 3
Life & Death 1, 2, and 4
Quest for Glory 4

Found at:

Try visiting the site between 12:00 and 0:00 GMT because their bandwidth is limited!!!

They've got a lot of great DOS games, unfortunatly, couldn't find Quest for Glory 5 anywhere...

Had some problems with Lotus 3 though. DIVIDE OVERFLOW error. Didn't try it on my 386 yet.

I tested Life & Death 1 on my 8088 without any problems.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 10:47 am
by kapcom02
the kapcomo1 have and a web sait go hear

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 2:59 pm
by Black_Sabbath
Holy chet!!! I used to play that game when I was like 6 years old!