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MY superduper computer (with 666 MB HD!)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:20 am
by Quatroking
hey, MY coputer is a superduper computer!



HD: 666
MHZ: 100 (i have pentium 100!!)
Soundcard: ? whaz that?
Mouse: ???
Monitor: uhhh....... 16 colors!!!
Floppy: 5.1 inch and 3.1 inch (i tryed to put a CD in my 5.1 inch, not a good idea...)
CD: :huh:
keyboard: less then 101 keys! (doesn't have a numpad, i had to make a extern one from a old keyboard)
gamepad: WOW! it is possible!!! (when i use a special router to use 3 keyboards on the same time: keyboard, extern numpad and gamepad)
cassis: glass with glow in the dark stripes.

thts all foks! u can see i love customizing pc's!!! (this was my first project, it wasted 4 years of my life)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 5:56 am
by WishboneDawn
Ha ha! I have a 680 meg HD!

But I don't have a 5 1/4 floppy drive yet. :(

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:14 pm
by Annorax
I have a few machines in my basement. One runs from a 200meg (well 400 with Doublespace :) ). It's fun to fire them up and play with them for a bit.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:00 am
by Quatroking
yeah, i love it to play some god games like Leisure Sweet Larry 1, Mystic Tower, Frogger, Pacman (THE Pacman), Dizzy's magic Advanture and a lot more...

but its shit my Pimped PC forgot he has a Floppy Drive and the System Clock has been crashed too!
the monitor is just a bomb, i get electric shocks if i plug the monitor cable... :wow:

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:41 pm
by dosraider
Quatroking wrote: i get electric shocks if i plug the monitor cable... :wow:
If you 'hotplugging' your pc cables you deserve all the shocks you get.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:39 am
by WishboneDawn
Quatroking wrote:yeah, i love it to play some god games like Leisure Sweet Larry 1, Mystic Tower, Frogger, Pacman (THE Pacman), Dizzy's magic Advanture and a lot more...

but its shit my Pimped PC forgot he has a Floppy Drive and the System Clock has been crashed too!
the monitor is just a bomb, i get electric shocks if i plug the monitor cable... :wow:
My local Salvation Army has a ton of moniters for $5 each. It's where I got the 17inch Acer I'm looking at now (It was $2.50 - halfprice sale). Honestly, the Sally Ann is a DOS or cheapass gamers' best friend.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:00 am
by wadeo999
i dont have a 5.12 drive but i can get one in a flash, but i cant find any games on ebay aussie! and i cant really buy games from ebay america because my only payment method is money order! :cry: