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Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:25 am
by Guest
Hi i was just wondering if anyone can give me some hints when talking to the aliens.. all of them seem to be either peace/angry or war/angry. how the heck do you make peace, form the alliance etc.. nothing i type in seems to work.. got a few responses like typing ironseed, tried using race names like the manual said but that doesn't get a response either???
anyone got any clues? no walk throughs or hints available on the web anywhere i can find.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:02 pm
by Nameless_One
Dialogues with aliens are quite screwed in Ironseed. Aliens who appear as glowing balls or a shadowy figure in some kind of throneroom are random civilizations and you can't talk about anything special with them. Their starting attitute and relation with you seems to be random. You will be able to trade with some of them, which is great because you can give them one or two units of basic elements for rare compounds like radioactives, magnetics and organics. Some will like you but they will refuse to trade. Some will be at war with you when you encounter them so they will attack you, which is not bad because they are weak and you can scavenge components when you destroy their ships.