solar winds 2 bug

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solar winds 2 bug

Post by invictius »

I complete all the missions, go back to the colonel, who tells me he has no more missions for me. I go back to the alien you meet near the start of the game, and I just get told they will need my help "very soon" and there are no more conversation options apart from "end communication". Nothing shows up in the missons screen either, so I'm completely stuck. I have the grey key, but when I open bh_start in notepad, theres a - RYA CRYSTALS$AQUA KEY$BLUE KEY$, haven't come accross any of them. In the last mission, there was a second wormhole, but I couldn't enter it. If anyone knows what's going on, or has a savegame to get me through this part, let me know. I can upload my save as proof, I haven't cheated, just haven't used hyperdrive.

Post by invictius »

Oh, after a while, I get told to go back to the army recruiter, who tells me to go to the colonel - who tells me there's no more missions, and after a while, I get told to go back to the recruiter again :huh:

Mod Edit: Moved to appropriate forum.
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