Spud - A Potato-Powered Web Server

Want to talk about your hardware setup? Brag about your super-machine's layout? Pretend you know a lot about computers? You can do all that and more in this forum.
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Spud - A Potato-Powered Web Server

Post by JKSM »

Spud - Hardware / "Software" - it's something different. Now we know - for those of you who don't like to eat your vegetables, you can put them to good use for other purposes. :D

I got to know the site link from someone & thought it might be interesting for those who never seen it.
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Post by The_Sinister_Mastermind »


That's just... odd.
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Post by Wally »

Well seeing Potatoes do have electricity :)

http://www.miniscience.com/projects/PotatoElectricity/ to make a battery

Maybe a potato could end up taking over PSUS in a computer :D
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