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Help w. Ancients I and Lure o/t Temptress
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 9:46 pm
by pry4kry
I am brand new to this forum, but please don't hold it against me
have downloaded games from specifically; 'Ancients I: The Deathwatch' and 'Lure of the Temptress', as part of my quest to find a good (fun) and economical (free) RPG or adventure game that my extremely modest laptop can handle. Although I have encountered no major problems running either of the aforementioned games on my computer, I seem to have hit a wall. I don't have any idea how to progress to the next stage in both of these games. In 'Lure of the Temptress' I made it into the cave with the ogre(?) but when I engage it in battle, I can gain no quarter as we battle perpetually. In Ancients I: Deathwatch, I made it to the third dungeon, yet have been unable to find the pendant of Vernon, or the third key, or Kilrah. My characters keep getting promoted to higher and higher classes as they revisit the guild but this alone is not enough (Yes, I thoroughly explored AND mapped each level). I am not asking anyone to give away the solution but I am so desperate for a lead that I am compelled to stoop to the level of now seeking the input of any who have gone before me. Appreciatively.
They call me 'Flash!'
Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:02 pm
by The_Sinister_Mastermind
If I see GAMER on MSN I'll ask her to swing by and see if she can help out, I know she's a fan of LotT.
As for the other, I've never played it sorry can't really be of much help there I'm afraid.
Found key, am @ dungeon 5 now.
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 3:45 pm
by pry4kry
Dear Mastermind,
The struggle I had been having with Ancients I, as described in my first posting (see above) has been solved (it's amazng what Google can do):jester:. It turns out to have been a problem of bad punctuation
on the part of the game creators. But I welcome any help with 'Lure o/t Temptress' which either you or your friend can give me.
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:17 am
by Guest
have you tryed to get a faq guide for this game at
On googling game-names: TMI !
Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 3:49 pm
by pry4kry
To robhofen et al,
Actually, no. Dunce that I am I only just figured out that if you google the game-name, whatever it may be, you generally get more info on it than you ever wanted. I googled Ancients I and one of the top threads turned out to be a step-by-step tutorial complete with maps and solutions, which would have completely defeated the purpose of
playing the game in the first place.
The problem with Ancients I is that the programmers were apparently very sloppy with spelling and grammer and as there is alot of riddle-solving in the game it led to my utter bewilderment in one particular case, such that I was no longer able to progress. One can only go around in circles for so long before resorting to more drastic means or just abandoning the game. Not being keen on defeat especially by such an old and, by today's standards, low-grade game, I opted for the former.
If only I had thought of this sooner.