I used to play this game in early or mid 90's. It's really simple, you move a jumping space ship from platform to platform trying to avoid falling into the empty spaces. The space ship moves vertically on the screen, not horizontally. I think the only thing you did was move the ship with the arrows, you didn't even have to jump it kept on jumping automatically.
If somebody could identify this game it would mean a lot to me. I loved playing this game, it was amazing.
Help find an old space game
ok i really want to find the game!
more info
the levels are like paths made of tiles and you are trying to get to the end of the level. some tiles are taller than some and there are tiles missing. you die if your ship falls into an empty space or if it crashes into a tile.
please somebody identify this game it is so much fun!
more info
the levels are like paths made of tiles and you are trying to get to the end of the level. some tiles are taller than some and there are tiles missing. you die if your ship falls into an empty space or if it crashes into a tile.
please somebody identify this game it is so much fun!
Hmm... I might have played something like this once upon a time... cant't recall a name yet though.. Was it like you flew against the center of the screen or what do you mean by vertically? The game I remember was kind of a simplistic 3D-view of sorts and the platform you rode on was like hanging in space. Is this the same game?
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Thank you!!
The game i was referring to is indeed Skyroads! I found a site where you can download it too. http://www.bluemoon.ee/history/skyroads/
haha it is a lot of fun!
The game i was referring to is indeed Skyroads! I found a site where you can download it too. http://www.bluemoon.ee/history/skyroads/
haha it is a lot of fun!