Guitar Tabs

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Are guitar tab websites guilty of copyright infringement, or just helping others learn to play guitar?

Providing tabs of copyrighted music is illegal, because it's like downloading the music itself
Providing tabs of copyrighted music is like playing it by ear, helping others to play it
Total votes: 8

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Guitar Tabs

Post by cyb3r.god3 »

Who else thinks that the current thing about copyright infringement is completely stupid?
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Post by Check-Mate »

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Post by cyb3r.god3 »

what started it anyway? i mean i wanted to get a tab off my song book and it claimed all this crap about copyrights
One time I had a Jack and coke and it had a lime in it, And I saw that the lime was floating. That's good news man. Next time I'm on a boat and it capsizes, I'll reach for a lime... I'll be water skiing without a life preserver and people'll say 'What the hell?' and I'll pull out a lime...and a lemon too. I'm saved by the buoyancy of citrus.
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Post by GAMER »

Really? There's copy infringements on tabs? That's just silly.

How is anyone going to learn to play. The only way I learned to play chords when I first started was through playing other peoples songs...

That's like...putting copy rights on...a stylistic analysis of Picasso?!

Or a guide to quilting?!

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Post by emmzee »

Eh luckily most tab sites aren't being persecuted yet ... and are still around so ... *shrugs*
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Post by cyb3r.god3 »

One time I had a Jack and coke and it had a lime in it, And I saw that the lime was floating. That's good news man. Next time I'm on a boat and it capsizes, I'll reach for a lime... I'll be water skiing without a life preserver and people'll say 'What the hell?' and I'll pull out a lime...and a lemon too. I'm saved by the buoyancy of citrus.
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Post by The_Sinister_Mastermind »

It’s stealing plain and simple, artists are well within their rights to protect their IP.

How are people meant to learn you say? Last time I checked many bands release tabs on their websites, with their CDs, it tab books etc.

Really it’s not stupid at all, inconvenient yes, but these people are trying to earn a living off this stuff you know. :rolleyes:
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Post by Check-Mate »

How is it stealing if you just learn it by ear, and then write it down so that you won't forget? It'd be stealing if you were to say it's your own work, but posting it up for other people still isn't stealing. They could also have just learnt it by EAR. But some people just can't. Like me! I can't do that! So I find tabs.
And most bands don't provide tabs for you. And if they release them on the internet, is that any different then someone doing it by ear and putting them on the net? Except that, they're the exact notes/chords and techniques that the band uses?
I don't see it as stealing at all. I see downloading their songs instead of buying their albums stealing, yeah. That is. But making tabs of your own....I don't see that as stealing at all. Hey, if my bands made tabs that I had access to, to buy...I'd buy them to support them. But....they don't. And so, they don't lose money if someone posts a tab up of one of their songs.
Bands make money mostly through their CD's. Not their tabs.
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Post by Thunderdog »

Oh, no, you can't learn to play other band's music. It's THEIRS. Only they have the right to see how it's done. Nuh uh. You thieving son of a bitch. You PIG SHIT.

...That sucked.

Anyway, I think 6 lines, some fucking numbers, and a bunch of symbols counting as copyright infringement is bullshit, because there's numerous different ways to play some songs.
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Post by Dogbreath »

I can't even name all the concerts I've been to where the house band did a cover of another musicians song. Hell, any dance you attend, and almost all concerts by small bands do this, and even a lot of major bands. (I'm thinking of Korn, Metallica, even some bands last night at X-Fest)

Did these bands ask permission? No! Did they make money off of playing these songs? You bet! So while this is perfectly acceptible, the bunch of fucking pricks that call themselves the NMPA think they can make themselves a bit richer by suing guitar tab websites. These websites aren't out there to make money, and neither are the people who use them - that's the role of the bloodsucking lawyers at the NMPA.

Don't be fooled, these bastards aren't acting the best interest of the bands. They're acting in the best interests of their bank accounts. And, as always, it's the little guy, the budding musician or the garage band, that's getting screwed over.

Off Topic, but, Cyber, I just noticed your signature and saw you're a fan of my favorite comedian!
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Post by Check-Mate »

THANK YOU DB. You make a very valid point. I never even thought of that.
Another excellent argument.
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Post by GAMER »

Are lyrics an infringement then? Am i allowed to sing along to my fav songs??

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Post by CPT Worm »

What next? They'll sue me for copying the lines of my favorite comedian? I'll go home, and a monkey will be waiting there ready to do battle.
An NMPA monkey.
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Post by cyb3r.god3 »

GAMER wrote:Are lyrics an infringement then? Am i allowed to sing along to my fav songs??

great point

i understand if you perform in open public or release it as a cover without permission but just playing for the sake for syaing "i can play classical gas" for example can save lives from bar fights
One time I had a Jack and coke and it had a lime in it, And I saw that the lime was floating. That's good news man. Next time I'm on a boat and it capsizes, I'll reach for a lime... I'll be water skiing without a life preserver and people'll say 'What the hell?' and I'll pull out a lime...and a lemon too. I'm saved by the buoyancy of citrus.
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Post by cyb3r.god3 »

yo i noticed there are 2 negative votes.. one is TSM i know from the post but who is the other.
and yeh DB i just noticed the comedian thingy at the bottom of your post. mitch hedberg is so funny.
great points though, but i still wanna know what started it
One time I had a Jack and coke and it had a lime in it, And I saw that the lime was floating. That's good news man. Next time I'm on a boat and it capsizes, I'll reach for a lime... I'll be water skiing without a life preserver and people'll say 'What the hell?' and I'll pull out a lime...and a lemon too. I'm saved by the buoyancy of citrus.
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