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Descent 3

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2002 3:23 pm
by Kazer0
Descent 3 came into exsistance around 1999-2000. It is a newer version od Descent 2, wich is a dos game. It features a new multiplayer feature, ship selection, cuztomization and taunts. The game palys pretty smoothy if you have a newer computer. Doesnt work very well on my 400mhz system. I give this game 7 out of 10

Lost 1 point - In the game, when using a joystick, the minimum senitivity is too high. Makes it hard to control.

Lost 1 point - Does not run good on average computers and crashes a lot.

Lost 1 point - Too many bugs.

I would reccommend this game to those who like the other descent games. It has way better graphics, and you are no longer in a mine.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 4:40 am
by Ro@m
descent 2 is a great game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 8:11 pm
by Pandora
whoa... there is a patch for d3, so it's quite bugless.
and the multiplayer just rocks
singleplayer is so and so

and you can change the joystick sensivity :)

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 8:12 pm
by Guest
sorry, should have checked the date of the thread first

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:08 am
by CloudCobain
I own Descent 3. I bought it because Descent 2 rocked.

I have to say, I wasn't expecting much of an improvement over D2. D2 was just more Descent levels really, same engine etc. (Doom et al?) So I didn't have high hopes for improvement, but I was still excited. It was still Descent, and I was getting more of what I want.

I was pleasantly suprised! D3 has cut-scenes a-plenty, a tutorial, extra guide-bot control, greatly improved graphics... it's a Descent fan's heaven. My computer isn't great, so I get some slowdown, but that isn't the games fault. When run on a descent computer, the game is smooth; and you can brilliantly take advantage of the game's 360* motion.

After a while of playing, you have to realise just how much work has been put into the environments. In previous installments, you'd always been limited to a mine. In Descent 3, you could be anywhere. Outside even. As for enemy AI, there are ups and downs. If you're on one side of a hill, and your enemy is on the other, it's likely he'll go into the wall. These problems are often overlooked though.

Hugely improved over previous games. 8/10

Tense music and sometimes nerve-racking sounds from enemies. 9/10

The genius of Descent's gameplay is given a complete make-over. Incredible. 10/10

Plenty of missions to keep you going for ages. The gameplay keeps you coming back. 9/10

Greatly exceeding my expectations, this game deserves more recognition than it gets.



Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 12:23 pm
by DosReaper
I think descent 3 was a great game but i got stuck in the last level, that big huge ship :blah: .

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 12:25 pm
by CloudCobain
Just keep shooting it while continuously strafing. As in, don't stop moving. You stop moving, you're dead.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:25 am
by AngryDwarf
I loved that game, unfortunately my CD was defective and It crashed whenever i got to a certain bit. The most annoying part about that game were those parasite robots, they always kept me on edge, and the mosquito-bots.
The most annoying level was the one where you have to protect your base, or possibly the one in the subway.
But the graphics were great and the levels were massive.
9/10 for me too. :thumbsup:

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:05 am
by x86_Game-Junkie
Descent 3 was one game that never surpassed it's original and it never will surpass it's original, even with multiple amounts of patches it is one of the most complicated games to ever get working properly, however, when it did work it was a good game with so called "good graphics, good sound and good gameplay", but to todays standards it's quite much on the average side. It also was one of those games that had a very complex setup installation, and if you don't know much about the parts or port numbers you could be easily fooled and the game stuffs up and the refresh rate becomes you have the wrong settings!!

It is also one of those games that takes up alot of memory as well, and has a habit of blue screening especially on Windows 98/98 SE machines...I haven't yet tried it on Windows XP but I believe it should be able to work as with any Windows 98 based game, as you can play it with the backwards compatability turned on. So fingers crossed that it will work!!


Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 3:36 pm
by DosReaper
Who rembers the level editor that came with it? IT WAS SO FRIGGEN HARD TO EVEN MAKE A TEXTURE!!! :Angry:



Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:26 am
by Annorax
I remember when I first played Descent 1, I was amazed at the gameplay and graphics. The shareware version barely ran on my machine (a Packard Bell 25mhz 4 ram). I had to start it in some sort of "safe mode" for Windows 3.1 just to get it to work!

I never really got into D3 but I have it and it's a pretty good game. But I like D1 and D2 more.

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:32 pm
by Guest
:rolleyes: :angel: B) :Angry: :cry: :devil: :rolleyes: :shifty: :sleep: :thumbsup: ;) ;) :
wow: :bday: :jester: :karate: :cuccoan: :D B) :cuccoan: :D :laugh:

Re: Descent 3

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 1:00 pm
by DosReaper
Kazer0 wrote: Lost 1 point - In the game, when using a joystick, the minimum senitivity is too high. Makes it hard to control.
I know this topic is really old but you can change the deadzone. :bday: