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Is it possible to play DOS games on a windows 95 computer?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 9:27 pm
by NHL95fan
How do I do this? Do I restart the windows 95 computer in DOS mode, then insert the DOS CD? Also would DOS games work in windows 98? I think they do but not 100 percent sure.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:18 pm
by ClassicDOSGames
Windows 95 and 98 have a version of DOS in them. Most games should work from the MS-DOS Prompt in the Start Menu. There are a small number of games, notably the Lemmings games from Psygnosis, that won't work in any version of Windows, including the DOS prompt in Windows 3.1. For those games, you could use a DOS boot disk if you want the authentic DOS experience, or you can use DOSBox, an emulator that runs most DOS games perfectly in a number of operating systems.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:44 am
by NHL95fan
ClassicDOSGames wrote:Windows 95 and 98 have a version of DOS in them. Most games should work from the MS-DOS Prompt in the Start Menu. There are a small number of games, notably the Lemmings games from Psygnosis, that won't work in any version of Windows, including the DOS prompt in Windows 3.1. For those games, you could use a DOS boot disk if you want the authentic DOS experience, or you can use DOSBox, an emulator that runs most DOS games perfectly in a number of operating systems.
Thanks for answering. I have a couple of other silly questions. Can I use dos boot disk on windows xp or only windows 95/98? Where do I get a dos boot disk? And finally is there any way to transfer a dos game I downloaded onto a CD?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:52 am
by Larry Laffer
Well yeah, you could use a boot disk in XP(you can either make one in 98 and 95 or download an image from the 'net). But you should know that most of XP systems use NTFS as their file system... and if you'd use a startup disk you wouldn't be able to use the partitions that are formated in NTFS.

But if you've got DOS games to play, I strongly suggest DOSBox, or Virtual PC.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 4:22 am
by dosraider