Abductor screenshot
Abductor gameplay screenshot
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320 × 200
Abductor screenshot
Abductor gameplay screenshot
abductor.zip - 287k - Run ABDUCTOR.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 2.5
Abductor is a Defender clone. As described by its author: "Your mission: To protect the inhabitants of the planet from the invading Abductor aliens. You've got lasers and smart bombs with which to unleash electric death on them before they turn the whole population into mutants." So shoot the aliens (tougher than it sounds, they move fast, especially the purple ones) and don't shoot the humans. The game sounds good and graphically captures the feel of the original Defender game, however the controls are a bit awkward (see in-game) and the whole thing feels a little too twitchy. Still worth a look!
Title:  Abductor
Version: #1392
Desc:  Abductor arcade game
Needs:  IBM PC, VGA
Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $9.95 (email only)
Author:  Kurt W. Dekker
Publisher:  PLBM Games
Website:  http://www.plbm.com
Email:  [email protected]
Special: any 3 for $19.95
See ORDER.TXT file for complete list

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Abductor, #2056. Added to website: 2024-03-11. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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