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Shareware ($19)
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320 × 200

DOSBOX_ACROSS.ZIP - 1,160k - Run ACROSS.EXE to play
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Original archive (across.zip, 1,245k) - The main download file above (DOSBOX_ACROSS.ZIP) is pre-configured to work DOSBox. This file, across.zip, is the original and may require installation / setup.

Action Supercross (it's now called "Elasto Mania" in more recent Windows versions) is a motorbike simulation game that lets you drive your motorbike around a bunch of fun levels, bouncing and crashing into stuff. It features nice graphics, realistic physics, and the ability to create your own new content for the game. In fact many people seem to enjoy creating new levels, graphics etc for this game, as evidenced by the fan sites that are/were popular online. Now there are even two pseudo-sequels for Windows and an iOS app, all using the "Elasto Mania" name. The physics model may or may not be as accurate as claimed; it's definitely not an arcade racer, and you will likely crash often! (Fun fact: This game was referenced in an XKCD comic!)
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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.
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Action Supercross, #487. Added to website: 2018-02-22. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.