Akintes screenshot
Akintes gameplay screenshot
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Page views: 2,774
Shareware ($79.95)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 480
Akintes screenshot
Akintes gameplay screenshot
akintes.zip - 897k - Run AKINTES.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 1
Akintes is an interesting tech demo of a tank-based action game. It seems like it was released mainly to attempt to sell copies of the source code for the "game" for the lofty mid nineties price of $79.95. The justification is that by reading the source code, developers would learn how to code their own games. I say it's more of a tech demo since the game consists of a single level with no sound where you drive around a tank and fire at other tanks, and they fire back at you. There's no real way to dodge the opposing tank's fire, making the exercise kind of pointless. The goal is to destroy a helicopter, and if you read the enclosed docs they'll reveal there's a trick to doing it. Overall not much reason to play this, but it's an interesting find due to the nature of its release so I figured I'd add it here.
Akintes - is a tank combat action game
that uses the keyboard and mouse to
control a tank on a 640 x 480 scrolling
battlefield. In this game you will
command a tank through a dangerous
battlefield of enemy tanks and cannon
turrets to find and destroy an enemy
Description Copyright 1997 PsL

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Akintes, #1940. Added to website: 2023-10-14. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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