Battle of the Eras screenshot
Battle of the Eras gameplay screenshot
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Based on 3 user ratings
Page views: 18,826
Single player
For Kids:
No. Violence and/or sexual content
320 × 200
DOSBOX_BERAS.ZIP - 7,851k - Run BERAS.EXE to play
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Original archive (, 8,081k) - The main download file above (DOSBOX_BERAS.ZIP) is pre-configured to work DOSBox. This file,, is the original and may require installation / setup.

Battle of the Eras screenshot
Battle of the Eras gameplay screenshot Review:  Rating: 2
Battle of the Eras is a game created by a group of 14-year old developers, inspired by fighting games popular at the time, like Mortal Kombat II, Street Fighter II, and OMF 2097. It most closely seems to try to emulate the Mortal Kombat series. It has been called the "worst DOS fighter ever", and for good reason. Characters include the XLX-2250 cyborg, Ferekin, Sho-Jin, and the Gatekeeper. Although there are some positives about the game, such as its music, and the fact that the dev team captured themselves in costume as the game's characters (green-screened) there are a lot of problems. The art is very uneven, the storyline is bad, the gameplay is choppy, and there are many bugs and questionable design choices. The full registered version of this game has been released by its primary developer for free. If you are so inclined, you can make a donation to the developer at the bottom of this page. (See the included BERAS.TXT file for a list of special moves, but good luck doing them successfully ...)

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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.

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Battle of the Eras, #686. Added to website: 2018-09-12. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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