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Page views: 6,721
Up to 2 players, Simultaneous shared keyboard / mouse competitive
For Kids:
720 × 360

BIPROLEX.zip - 9,958k - Run START.BAT to play
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Biprolex+ is a strange mix of Arkanoid and Tetris, smashing the two games together into a competitive game for two players. One player (or CPU opponent) controls the paddle at the top of the screen (Tetlix) which spits out Tetris-type blocks. The other player controls the battle at the bottom (Arcalex) which bounces balls. Each is trying to collect the most stones to win the battle. It's a visually stunning and impressive game, with chaotic, colorful action. I'm not sure how fun it is, but it sure is unique! The configuration required to get a game going is not too intuitive either, you need to set up players, a competition, and a game before actually starting. But definitely check it out if you enjoy Arkanoid and/or crazy multiplayer action!
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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.
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BIPROLEX+, #1555. Added to website: 2021-08-24. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.