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Single player
For Kids:
640 × 480

bob.zip - 71k - Run BOB.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 3.5
Bob and His Amazing Journey Home (or just "Bob") is a simple puzzle game, presumably aimed primarily at younger players to help them learn how to play these kinds of games. It has a straightforward story, easy controls, and big and bold graphics with large tiles. Push around blocks Sokoban-like, avoid lasers, collect keys, and press buttons to reach the exit to the level. The levels start off very easy but do start to get tougher. It features high-res 640x480 256 color graphics and beeps and boops for sounds courtesy the PC speaker. This was a shareware game but has been released for free by its author.
Bob and His Amazing Journey Home (or just "Bob") is a simple puzzle game, presumably aimed primarily at younger players to help them learn how to play these kinds of games. It has a straightforward story, easy controls, and big and bold graphics with large tiles. Push around blocks Sokoban-like, avoid lasers, collect keys, and press buttons to reach the exit to the level. The levels start off very easy but do start to get tougher. It features high-res 640x480 256 color graphics and beeps and boops for sounds courtesy the PC speaker. This was a shareware game but has been released for free by its author.
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Bob and His Amazing Journey Home, #1316. Added to website: 2020-11-16. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.