chesterland.zip - 22k - Run CHESTER1.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 2.5
Written "as an attempt to learn C", Chesterland Adventure is a hybrid text adventure game with simple, one-letter command hotkeys to perform actions (like a roguelike) and a visual representation of your character (using the traditional roguelike @ symbol). However this is not an RPG, it's an adventure game, so you proceed through different rooms, picking up random items, and trying in vain to figure out what to do with them. The rooms are represented via text-mode symbols. The game also tends to insult you at every opportunity; ex, you try to move south off the screen (which looks like a viable direction since there's no indication that you can't go that way) and it spits back at you "Can't go that way, jerk!" Nice. Well, it's not great, but it is somewhat unique! (A Mac OSX port was released over 10 years after the DOS release. Get if at the author's website.)
Written "as an attempt to learn C", Chesterland Adventure is a hybrid text adventure game with simple, one-letter command hotkeys to perform actions (like a roguelike) and a visual representation of your character (using the traditional roguelike @ symbol). However this is not an RPG, it's an adventure game, so you proceed through different rooms, picking up random items, and trying in vain to figure out what to do with them. The rooms are represented via text-mode symbols. The game also tends to insult you at every opportunity; ex, you try to move south off the screen (which looks like a viable direction since there's no indication that you can't go that way) and it spits back at you "Can't go that way, jerk!" Nice. Well, it's not great, but it is somewhat unique! (A Mac OSX port was released over 10 years after the DOS release. Get if at the author's website.)
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Chesterland Adventure, #1326. Added to website: 2020-11-23. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.