Dangerous Dave screenshot
Dangerous Dave gameplay screenshot
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For Kids:
320 × 200
ddavevga.zip - 101k - Run DAVE.EXE to play
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Dangerous Dave screenshot
Dangerous Dave gameplay screenshot
DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 2
Before creating Keen, Wolfenstein, and Doom, John Romero was programming small games for SoftDisk, which back then included some kind of games club. (I remember vaguely seeing the ads in gaming magazines back in the late 80's/early 90's). This game is cool basically only because of the author. ;) Otherwise, it's an rather average (and, at times, quite annoying) VGA jumping game / tech demo. (This game was titled "Dangerous Dave in the Deserted Pirate's Hideout! " on the Apple II, but the DOS version is simply titled "Dangerous Dave".)

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Dangerous Dave, #425. Added to website: 2018-02-10. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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