Based on 3 user ratings

DCGAMES4.ZIP - 1,407k - Run DCWORLD.EXE to play
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This game works in DOSBox but not currently in-browser. Please download and play on your device. How to use DOSBox
DC Games 4.03 Patch (DCG403UP.ZIP, 604k) - Upgrades DC Games 4.0 to 4.03
DC Games 4.04 Patch (DCG404UP.ZIP, 681k) - Upgrades DC Games 4.03 to 4.04
DC Games 4.05 Patch (DCG405UP.ZIP, 194k) - Upgrades DC Games 4.04 to 4.05
DC Games 4.06 Patch (DCG406UP.ZIP, 237k) - Upgrades DC Games 4.05 to 4.06
DC Games 4.08 Patch (DCG408UP.ZIP, 384k) - Upgrades DC Games 4.07 to 4.08 (Warning: Currently the 4.07 patch is unavailable, so you probably don't want to use the 4.08 patch!)
DC Games Shareware v3.03 (DCG303.ZIP, 702k) - Older version of DC Games, this was probably the most widely distributed version. Includes example game.
DCGames is an Ultima-style RPG game creation system. Users of this system created numerous DOS RPGs such as DBQuest and Rescue of Lorri in Lorrinitron.The system itself seems rather complicated to learn, with many hotkeys, subscreens, and extensive reading of the documentation required. However, as the games noted above demonstrate, for those with the patience to learn it, you can create some decent games. The linked download is v4.0; see the extra files for the upgrade patches. (Currently the v4.06 to v4.07 patch is missing, please let me know if you have it.)
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