Fuzzy's World Of Miniature Space Golf screenshot
Fuzzy's World Of Miniature Space Golf gameplay screenshot
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Page views: 20,592
Shareware ($27.95)
Single player
For Kids:
320 × 200
fuzzy100.zip - 2,031k - Run FUZZY.EXE to play
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Fuzzy's World Of Miniature Space Golf screenshot
Fuzzy's World Of Miniature Space Golf gameplay screenshot
DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 4.5
I vividly remember playing this game many years ago. This miniature golf game, which not surprisingly takes place in space, is quite fun to play, and it's obvious that a lot of time and effort was poured into the game's presentation and overall look. Great graphics and sound effects compliment the simple yet entertaining gameplay. You use your mouse to "swing" your virtual clubs and knock the ball around the courses. Definitely a keeper even though the shareware version is rather limited.
/// Fuzzy's World V1.00s- Pixel Painters \\\
Pixel Painters releases its most spectacular 
game to date! It's wild! It's zany! It's... 
it's... space golf?? That's right, the most 
outrageous sport of the future is here for 
you today! Completely animated, outstanding
graphics and music. Don't miss this game,
it's one of the most unique games shareware
has to offer! Req: 4M RAM, VGA, HD, Mouse,
386/33 (486 recommended); Opt: Sound Card

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Fuzzy's World Of Miniature Space Golf, #502. Added to website: 2018-02-28. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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