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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 2.5
The sequel to the original Galactix adventure game (and still nothing to do with the same-named Galactix shoot-em-up game) this sequel seems to use the same engine, graphics, and general gameplay mechanics as the first game. Three space orbs have been stolen, and only YOU, a weird alien thing/guy, can recover them! Use the two Shift keys to move left and right, spacebar to jump, and the arrow keys to select a different action to perform (like Get Object, Examine, or Eat/Drink) as you navigate the various screens in spectacular CGA glory. Like the original game, somewhat difficult to control, and not a lot of guidance regarding what exactly you are supposed to be doing.
The sequel to the original Galactix adventure game (and still nothing to do with the same-named Galactix shoot-em-up game) this sequel seems to use the same engine, graphics, and general gameplay mechanics as the first game. Three space orbs have been stolen, and only YOU, a weird alien thing/guy, can recover them! Use the two Shift keys to move left and right, spacebar to jump, and the arrow keys to select a different action to perform (like Get Object, Examine, or Eat/Drink) as you navigate the various screens in spectacular CGA glory. Like the original game, somewhat difficult to control, and not a lot of guidance regarding what exactly you are supposed to be doing.
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Galactix II - The Search for the Missing Orbs, #659. Added to website: 2018-08-11. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.