Gore Galore screenshot
Gore Galore gameplay screenshot
User Rating:

Based on 4 user ratings
Page views: 15,480
Shareware ($24.95)
Single player
For Kids:
No. Violence and/or sexual content
320 × 200
Gore Galore screenshot
Gore Galore gameplay screenshot
DOSBOX_GORE.ZIP - 2,184k - Run GORE.EXE to play
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Original archive (GORE.ZIP, 2,197k) - The main download file above (DOSBOX_GORE.ZIP) is pre-configured to work DOSBox. This file, GORE.ZIP, is the original and may require installation / setup.

DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 2
Gore Galore is one of many games that use the Pie in the Sky 3D Game Creation System engine. Due to the general clunkiness of that GCS, the gameplay here is kinda rough. It's obviously intended to be a Wolfenstein 3D clone, right down to the door-opening sound. However it does add a few things like NPCs you can talk to and other items to find, as well as stairs and minor technical advances. There are supposedly five stages in the shareware version. However the graphics are not great, the sounds are rather annoying, and due to the engine used it feels hard to control. Also, for a game with "gore" in its title, it's not particularly violent. All the annoying "REGISTER NOW!" screens don't help either. Probably better to play Wolfenstein instead!
Arrow keys Move
Spacebar or Ctrl or Alt Shoot
0 Hold to jump
Enter or I Pick up items
S Select item or discard it
B Detonate planted bomb(s)
1 - 7 Choose weapon
Z Zoom in radar
X Zoom out radar
Violent game. As escaped homicidal 
maniac "BLOODY BOB", satisfy your sickest 
fantasies in a splatter fest of blood and 
gore. Run amouk, and enter the dark side 
of the human mind; you're one sick puppy. 
Req's. 386SX25, VGA, HD, 4MB RAM, 600K 
free conventional memory. Shareware.
This is the single-part version.

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Game will not be saved after closing your browser. Download and install the game if you want to save.
CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down. See Instructions section above for help playing the game!

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Gore Galore - The Breakout, #1109. Added to website: 2020-05-27. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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