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Shareware ($20)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 480

gcrib110.zip - 34k - Run GUNCRIB.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 2
GunCrib is a simple first-person perspective shooting game, where you play a gunner stationed on a planet being attacked. Ships will fly toward you from the center of the screen, and you use your mouse to try to destroy them. You also have the ability to lock onto targets with the Spacebar or detonate torpedoes with the Enter key. Note also that RIGHT clicking is your "primary" fire button with a stronger attack than LEFT click which is a weaker attack. Not a terrible game but pretty basic and limited gameplay.
GunCrib is a simple first-person perspective shooting game, where you play a gunner stationed on a planet being attacked. Ships will fly toward you from the center of the screen, and you use your mouse to try to destroy them. You also have the ability to lock onto targets with the Spacebar or detonate torpedoes with the Enter key. Note also that RIGHT clicking is your "primary" fire button with a stronger attack than LEFT click which is a weaker attack. Not a terrible game but pretty basic and limited gameplay.
Mouse - Move crosshairs
Left click - Fire secondary shot
Right click - Fire PRIMARY shot (10x secondary shots, scattered around circle area)
Spacebar - Set sensor target
Enter - Detonate torpedo (limited number per level)
S - Sound toggle
Q - Quit
Mouse - Move crosshairs
Left click - Fire secondary shot
Right click - Fire PRIMARY shot (10x secondary shots, scattered around circle area)
Spacebar - Set sensor target
Enter - Detonate torpedo (limited number per level)
S - Sound toggle
Q - Quit
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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down. See Instructions section above for help playing the game!
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GunCrib, #1683. Added to website: 2022-06-07. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.