Heavy Water Jogger screenshot
Heavy Water Jogger gameplay screenshot
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Page views: 10,974
Shareware ($20)
Single player
For Kids:
320 × 200
hwj.zip - 228k - Run JOGGER.EXE to play
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Heavy Water Jogger screenshot
Heavy Water Jogger gameplay screenshot
DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 2.5
This game is odd. The premise is that you have a limited amount of time (30 minutes) to reach the control room of the nuclear reactor. The gameplay is strange. It involves avoiding multiple pits of water, and occasionally robot guards. You can jump (only while running) and pick up items (once in awhile, out of grates on the ground). It's unique, that's for sure, but I can't say I found it very entertaining. (Be sure to check JOGGER.DOC for full instructions including what various keys do ... as well as more weirdness.)
----       Heavy Water Jogger        -----
------   Future Collector's Item    ------

     Everyone said there won't be many
 registrations on this one, but, hey, I like
 it! One single, complete episode!  Prevent
  total meltdown at the Three Miles Inland
Nuclear Plant. VGA/PC speaker sound, annoying
     and frustrating. HURRY, Fluke!

----   Viable Software Alternatives  ----

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Heavy Water Jogger, #149. Added to website: 2017-11-25. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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